Sir Francis Drake
4 April 1581
The Golden Hinde was sir Fancis Drakes boat but after the ship eventually rotted away and was broken up. Also Sir Francis Drake died aboard ship of dysentery on January 28, 1596, also dysentery is where infection and inflammation of the intestines wich causes diarrhea that may contain blood or mucus. And was buried at sea near Portobelo on the Caribbean coast of Panamá. The sponsor of the golden hinde was Sir Christopher Hatton.
The queen bestowed Sir Francis Drake as a knight because he stole from the town Guatluco. The queen her self went onto the the Golden Hinde known as the "The Female Dear" and bestowed Drake a knight. Sir Francis Drake also made fortune of 6million dollars from now.
Sir francis Drake
Early Life
Sir franciF died on the 28th of january he was age 56 portobelo, colon panama he also sailed for he on his trip around the world he spent 3 years.
Sir Francis Drake was born Tavistock, Devon Drakes father edmuen Drake was the son of one of the latters tentant farmers Edmud Fled his Native country after arraigment for asult and robbery 1548. The claim that he was a refuge from Roman catholic persecution was a later pious fiction. From even before his fathers departure Francis was brought up amoung relatives in plymouth Hawkins Family who combined vocations as merchants and pirates.
Exploration and Discovery
Exploration and Discovery
'El Draque'
Sir Francis Drake is most famous for his exploration around the world but it was on axident because he was trying to find a way back to england but could not so he found a path he also took 3 years to get the stuff and get back to england.
Sir Francis Drake, known as 'El Draque' which also means Dragon. The Spanish, feared and revered for his alleged supernatural powers. Did his reputation as a powerful seafaring figure stem from mere myth, or was there truth behind the legend?