Top 10 most famous Car brands
- Volkswagen was founded by Adolf Hitler in 1937
- The original Volkswagen Beetle was one of the best-selling cars for the entire 20th century, selling over 21.5 million vehicles.
- With nearly 600,000 workers as of 2015, Volkswagen is one of the world’s largest employers.
- As of 2015, Volkswagen is the top-selling automaker in the world.
Toyota Motors
- The first Toyota vehicle was made in 1937
- The company was originally called Toyoda
- Toyota actually started out as a textiles business
- Toyota makes some of the most durable vehicles in the world.
- The first Land Rover's steering wheel was in the middle
- Land Rover invented the first monster truck
- Land Rovers have been built since 1948
- Land Rover played an important role as a getaway vehicle
Ford Motor
- Ford is the second largest family owned company in the world
- Ford's current CEO, William Clay Ford, Jr., or Bill Ford, currently owns the first Ford vehicle ever sold in 1903
- 3.9 million ford motor were sold in 2021
- Henry Ford and Thomas Edison were lifelong friends
General Motors
- The Company was Founded in 1908
- They Have Sold Many Auto Brands Throughout Their History
- They Are Implementing Environmental Initiatives
- GM Were Forced to Stop Using the Mark of Excellence
BMW group
- BMW Was Ahead of the Times with the Production of Electric Cars
- The BMW Logo is a Tribute to its Bavarian Roots
- The Company is Over 100 Years old
- BMW Made its First Electric Car in 1972
Honda Motor
- Honda started by manufacturing motorized bicycles
- The first foreign vehicle to be manufactured in the United States was the Honda Accord
- Honda Builds Corporate Jets
- First Battery Powered Vehicle
Dodge Motor
- The first Dodge vehicle debuted in November 1914
- Dodge started out on two wheels
- Dodge invented the first winterized car
- The first all-steel body car was a Dodge
- Hyundai's first car was the Pony also known as Hyundai Excel
- Hyundai facts: Hyundai is South Korea's leading vehicle manufacturer
- Hyundai has the world's largest auto production plant in Ulsan, South Korea
- Hyundai logo symbolizes respect and mutual trust
Nissan Motor
- Nissan is Over 100 Years Old
- Nissan is to Japan What Ford is to USA
- Nissan Once Built Rocket Engines
- Nissan and Renault Alliance