HRA plan
Planned Investment Team
Non-Traditional homes - major works
Structural integrity
Risk management - M&E / Hazards
Decent Homes cycle and compliance focus
Fuel Poverty Impact
- 3-year plan Faithful & Gould and internal validation programme to Just-In-Time methodology
- Main Fire Safety FD30 door replacement programme (3 and 4 storey)
- SHAPE strategy asset management Net Present Value - all stock
- Budget increase across two year windows, doors, kitchens and doors programme
- Capital plan for secondary energy effeciency measures to run in parallel with housing decarbonisation programme
* Ensuring compliance across planned works
* Closer alignment of M&E infrastructure works with enveloping and compliance programmes.
* Narrow down block refurbishment options, with greater scrutiny and robust business case for prioritisation in years 1 to 3. Options appraisal process based on the Just-In-Time methodology, with greater focus on energy efficiency.
A more integrated approach to asset management, reducing repair and capital expenditure across the 30 year BP
Procure Decent Homes
23/24 to 24/25 in one batch, better value and financial management across years.
2024/25, scope, budget
2023/24, scope, budget
- Integrate new blocks with PPM cycle, enabling works, compliance package - to existing 3 year plan draft.
- Business case for block prioritisation years 1 - 3 and blocks for years 4 - 10.
- Section 20 notice 22/23 -24/25
- 3 year plan timeline dashboard for all projects