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This school is very col in many ways
Florida Institute of Technology is located in Palm Bay FL
Florida Institute of Technology address is 3012 Engineering St, Melbourne, FL 32901
Florida Institute of Technology has over 8,846 students (2017 data amount of students)
Florida Institute of Technology has 3,635 undergraduates.
First time degree-seeking freshmens 721.
Graduate enrollment 2,767.
Percentage of students are male, and female. 71% male students, female 29% students .
Florida Institute of Technology is a very diverse university here are some of their ethnic's
One of their traditions
Insert your own text here. Talk about something related to your fourth topic or just put some placeholder text here.
Florida Institute of Technology has lots of traditions here are some examples.
Buffalo Chicken Wrap Thursdays
While the serving days may have slightly changed over the years, the same delicious staple of The SUB is still going strong: The Buffalo Chicken Wrap. What makes this meal so delectable? Some say it’s the cheese or special ranch sauce, while others say it’s the perfect ratio of all the ingredients together. Whatever the case may be, when Thursday rolls around, you’ll find most of the student body in line at The SUB.
Speaking of Homecoming, this fun-filled weekend is a pretty big deal here at the university. Every year, students and alumni come together in celebration of what it means to be a Florida Tech Panther. Activities include a star-studded outdoor concert, a gala and awards ceremony, a parade and the biggest football game of the year.
Pictures with Pete
Our mascot Pete the Panther is a living legend around here. You can catch him at many of our sporting events and other campus outings. It’s almost like a student rite of passage to snap a photo with the big guy!
Florida Institute of Technology has lot of graduates. Here are the graduates I think they are pretty famous.
Paul Sturgess is an English professional basketball player who last played for the Cheshire Phoenix of the British Basketball League. He was officially measured bare feet by Guinness World Records in November 2011 at 7 ft 7.26
Joan Elizabeth Higginbotham is an American engineer and a former NASA astronaut. She flew aboard Space Shuttle Discovery mission STS-116 as a mission specialist and is the third African American woman to go into space, after Mae Jemison and Stephanie Wilson.
Football team was made in 2013 and 60 years the school has been open
Florida Institute of Technology has a football team that was made in 2013.
The Florida Tech Football program is the intercollegiate American football team for Florida Institute of Technology located in the U.S. state of Florida. The team competes in the NCAA Division II and are members of the Gulf South Conference. Florida Tech's first football team was fielded in 2013.
Florida Institute of Technology was founded 60 years ago on the date of September 22, 1958
football team
panther is running
Florida Institute of Technology mascot is the Florida panther. The panther name is Pete.
Tuition fee's etc
Florida Institute of Technology are very pricy for the average student. Tuition is 41,850$ in and out of state.
Room and board tuition fees are 12,880
Florida Institute of Technology has lots of majors and programs but here some of the most popular majors
Popular majors
The most popular majors at Florida Institute of Technology include: Mechanical Engineering; Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical/Space Engineering, Aviation/Airway Management Operations,Chemical Engineering,Electrical work,and Electronics Engineering.