Latin American Revolutions
Presented by PERSON for COMPANY
Population of Saint Domingue
Saint Domingue's economy was dependent on sugar plantations.
- Plantation owners forced enslaved Africans to work under difficult conditions.
- The enslaved population greatly outnumbered free peoples.
Identifying Bias in a Primary source
Who is The Author?
- This source was written by a well educated French colonists who defended slvery
When was the source written?
Does it present a balanced view of an issue?
Haitian Independence
Haitian Independence
In 1791, 100,000 enslaved people revolted against the plantation owners in Hatii.
- The rebels eentually gained control of the island, and free all those enslaved.
- They were led by a man named Toussaint L'Ouverture.
Toussaint L'Ouverture (1743-1803)
- Led Haiti's independenc movement .
- Was a skilled general and diplomat
- Issued a constitution that abolished slavery in Saint-Domingue
- Died in French prison, before independence was won in 1804