The Benefits of Eating Breakfast
Mrs. Barth
Don't skip breakfast
It's the most important meal
of the day!
1. Weight Control
2. Lowers Cholesterol
3 Reasons
3. Improves Concentration and Performance
Weight Control
- National Weight Control Study
Weight Control
- study group that lost 30 lbs
- skip breakfast = 4.5 times more likely to be obese
Lower Cholesterol
- Chain reaction when skipping breakfast
Lower Cholesterol
- American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study
When eating breakfast:
- 1665 calories per day
- Total cholesterol 121
- LDL (bad) was 60
When not eating breakfast:
- 1765 calories per day
- Total cholesterol 133
- LDL was 70
Improve Concentration and Performance
- High-fiber, low glycemic breakfast
Improve Concentration and Performance
Additional Benefits
- Reduces crankiness in morning
- Helps properly portion meals
Additional Benefits
Skipping Breakfast
Percent, By Gender, Who Skip Breakfast
Strategies to Encourage a Health Breakfast
- Suggest quick, nutritious meal options (yogurt or cereal)
- Suggest untraditional breakfast ideas (frittata, liquiado)
Strategies to Encourage a Health Breakfast
- On-the-go options (bagels, hard-boiled eggs)
- Encourage parents to be role models for children
- Educate parents and students on benefits
Suggested Portions
1 Portion of Dairy
- 8 oz. yogurt
- 8 oz fat-free milk
- 1.5 oz. cheese
- 2 cups cottage cheese
- 1 cup frozen yogurt
1 Portion of Fruit
- 1 piece of fruit (apple, banana, orange, etc)
- 1/2 grapefruit
- 2 slices mango
- 150 ml of 100% fruit juice
1 Portion of Grain
- 1 slice of bread
- 1 cup dry cereal
- 1/2 cup oatmeal
- 1 small whole grain muffin
- 1 whole grain mini-bagel
1 Portion of Vegetables
- 1/2 cup salsa
- 1/4 cup raisins
- 1 cup raw vegetables
- 12 baby carrots
- 1 large pepper
- 1 cup chopped tomatoes
- 1 cup tomato juice
1 Portion of Protein
- 3 oz cooked bacon
- 3 oz cooked sausage
- 3 oz cooked steak
It is suggested to eat 1 portion of fruit, 1 portion of grain and 1 portion of dairy for breakfast
Benefits of a Healthy Breakfast
Interesting Facts
- Kids get 1/4 of their daily nutrition at breakfast
- The average home as 4-6 cereals in their cupboard
- National Cereal Day is March 7