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Can you please send me a short essay about a festival that you choose.
- Where is it?
- What is it?
- When is it? For how long?
- History, background?
- Who goes there? As participant? Visitor? How popular is it?
- What do people do? Why do they do it?
- What do or what don’t you like about it? Why?
In the prezi please use keywords.
-Full name: Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake
-In England, Gloucester
-Since 1826
-Very famous competition (people from all around the world)
The winner
-catch the Double Gloucester cheese (3,2-4,1 kg)
(if nobody can't)
-the fastest player
-prize: the cheese and glory
-very dangeorus sport
-broken arms and legs, faint
-1998.: 33 injuries
-first aid service provided by the local St John Ambulance
-men's race (2018 winner: Chris Anderson)
all time man-recorder: Chris Anderson (22)
-ladies' race (2018 winner: Flo Early)
all time woman-recorders: Rosemary Cooke, Amanda Turner, Dionne Carter, Lucy Townsend, Flo Early (3)
Odori park
Susinko Site
Tsu Dome Site
one week in February
Odori park
6 statues
more than two millione tourists
more hundreds buildings
of the
- In Mexico, Oaxaca city
- since 1897
- every year on December 23.
- radishes introduced by the Spanish
- long wood carving tradition
-> farmers started radish carving on the Christmas market
- therefore radish-most important vegetable
- carvings of radish, corn husk, aster
- for everyone
- after the festival: call the winner
- some of these will be sold away
- can't be stored for long time
- big, hard work
Aadi festival
Selcuk, Turkey,
3. Sunday, January
Turkic tribes over 2,400 years ago
Animal rights?
Chris and Zsombor
Calaveras (sugar skulls)
Pan de Muertos
Török Levi
Burning Man Festival
- started in 1986 at San Francisco
- Larry Harvey made a 9 foot tall (2.7 m) wooden sculpture of a man
- in 1989 40 foot (12 m)
Where and when
Aadi Perukku River Festival (APRF), Camel Wrestling (CW), Cheese Rolling (CR), Danjiri Matsuri Cart Pulling (DMCP), Dia De Los Muertos (The Day of the Dead) (DDLM), Idiotarod (I), Night of the Radishes (NR), Sail Amsterdam (SA), Sapporo Snow Festival (SSF), Yanshui Fireworks (YF)
Festival questions
General questions
1. Which festivals are honoring gods?
2. Which festival is modern, created for fun?
3. Which festivals are in memory of an event? What is the event?
4. Which festivals are dangerous?
5. Which festival copies another festivals?
6. Which festivals are connected to water?
7. Which festivals are connected to fire?
8. Which festivals use animals in their celebrations?
9. In which festivals do the “products” disappear fast?
10. Which are one-day festivals?
11. Which festivals are in Asia?
12. Which festivals are in America?
13. Which festivals are on an island?
14. Which festivals take place in a city?
15. Which festival would you like to go to and why?
Please ask questions that are useful to know. Please give the answers in full sentences. – WRITE the NUMBERS OR THE SENTENCE – ASK FOR THE QUESTION.
1. Where and when is the cheese rolling festival held every year?
2. Why is this festival dangerous?
3. Who won the competition in 2018? Who is Flo Early?
4. How do the camels fight?
5. Which one is the winner?
6. Where is the camel wrestling the most popular?
7. What is the name of the festival in the Netherlands and when was the first festival?
8. How many ships are on the first festival?
9. When will the next Sail Amsterdam festival be?
10. Where and when is the Danjiri Matsuri festival?
11. What is the main spectacle of the Danjiri Matsuri festival?
12. Why is dangerous the Danjiri Matsuri festival?
13. Why can’t the radishes be stored for a long time?
14. What are the main spectacles of the Night of the Radishes and what are they made of?
15. How did radishes arrive to Mexico?
16. What are the major attractions of the Aadi Perukku festival?
17. What is celebrated in the Aadi Perukku festival?
18. Where is the Aadi Perukku festival? It is in
19. How long is this festival?
20. What do families eat?
21. When was the first Snow Festival? The first SF was in ...
22. How many tourists go to the festival?
23. What is the English name of the Dia de Los Muertos Festival?
24. Where is the Dia de Los Muertos Festival?
25. What are the important meals in the festival?
26. How do the Mexicans call November 1 and November 2?
27. In how many cities does the Idiotarod take place? It takes place in ... cities.
28. Where is the Chiditarod?
29. How many Idiots are in 1 team? What is the Idiotarod named after?
30. Where is the fireworks festival held? It is held in Yanshui.
31. What does this festival celebrate? This festival celebrateS the end of a cholera epidemic.
32. Why do people jump into fireworks?
33. How long does this festival last?
Please ask questions that are useful to know. Here are the answers. Answer in full sentences.
1. Where and when is the cheese rolling festival held every year? In England, since 1826
2. Why is this festival dangerous? Because people get injured during the races. In 1998 thirty-three (33) people got injured.
3. Who won the competition in 2018? Chris Anderson and Flo Early
4. Who is Flo Early? She is one of the all time woman record-holders.
5. How do the camels fight? - The camels fight by using their necks.
6. Which one is the winner? - The winner is the one that forced his competitor to fall to the ground.
7. Where is the camel wrestling the most popular? - The camel wrestling is most popular in the villages of western Turkey.
8. What is the name of the festival in the Netherlands and when was the first festival? It is called Sail Amsterdam and the first was in 1975.
9. How many ships are on the first festival? 600
10. When will the next Sail Amsterdam festival be? It will be in 2020.
11. Where and when is the Danjiri Matsuri festival? In Japan, in September or October
12. What is the main spectacle of the Danjiri Matsuri festival? The cart
13. Why is dangerous the Danjiri Matsuri festival? Because people pull the carts with high speed, and people who are standing on the top of the carts many times fall down.
14. Why can’t the radishes be stored for a long time?
15. What are the main spectacles of the Night of the Radishes and what are they made of?
16. How did radishes arrive to Mexico?
17. What are the major attractions of the Aadi Perukku festival? Women’s song and folks song.
18. What is celebrated in the Aadi Perukku festival? The water is celebrated in the AP festival.
19. Where is the Aadi Perukku festival? It is in South-India and in the USA.
20. How long is this festival? This is a one-day festival.
21. What do the families eat? The families eat rice-meals.
22. When was the first Snow Festival? The first Snow Festival was in 1950.
23. How many tourists go to the festival? More than two million
24. What is the English name of the Dia de Los Muertos Festival? Day of the Dead
25. Where is the Dia de Los Muertos Festival? It is in Mexico
26. What are the important meals in the festival? The most important meals are sugar skulls and Pan de Muertos.
27. How do the Mexicans call November 1 and November 2? November 1 is the day of the little Angels and November 2 is the Day of the Dead
28. In how many cities does the Idiotarod take place ? 19
29. Where is the Chiditarod? In Chicago
30. How many Idiots are in 1 team? There are five idiots in one team.
31. What is the Idiotarod named after? After the Iditarod Native American dog-sleigh race.
32. Where is the fireworks festival held? The fireworks festival is held in Yanshui in Taiwan.
33. From what celebrated this festival? From the XIX. century.
34. Why do people jump into fireworks? They think it brings good luck.
35. How long does this festival last? This is a one-day festival.
to celebrate: ünnepelni
celebration: ünneplés
It is held in…: Itt tartják … (a fesztivált)
It takes place in ….: Ez ad helyet neki
It lasts …. days.: … napig tart.
pilgrim: zarándok
pilgrimage: zarándoklat
camel: teve
neck: nyak
fight: harc
to give up: feladni
male: hím
female: nőstény
cheese: sajt
cheese-rolling: sajtgurítás
to catch: elkapni
race: futam 2. verseny
glory: dicsőség
injury: sérülés
to get injured: megsérülni
aid: segítség
first aid: elsősegély
to faint: elájulni
cart: szekér, kocsi
to pull: húzni
cart-pulling festival: kocsihúzó fesztivál
to pray: imádkozni
harvest: aratás
shrine: szentély
spectacle: látványosság
high-speed: nagy sebességű
main: fő, legfontosabb
motif: motívum
to pay tribute to: tisztelettel adózik
material: anyag
water source: vízforrás
to spend the evening with sg: az estét eltölteni vmivel
jaggery: kókuszpálma levéből nyert cukor
to float: úszik, lebeg
along: valami mentén
anniversary: évforduló
attend: részt vesz
yacht: jacht
to remain: maradni
harbour: kikötő
to organize: szervezni
colourful: színes
to carve: faragni
to introduce: bevezet, behozni
carving: faragás
radish: retek
spectacle: látvány 2. különlegesség
spectacular: látványos
corn husk: kukorica csuhé
epidemic: járvány
to throw: dobni
petard: petárda
to jump into the fireworks: beleugrani a tüzijátékba
helmet: bukósisak
in respect of the god: az isten tiszteletére
ground: föld, terület
snow: hó
statue: szobor
building: épület
different: különböző
shopping cart: bevásárlókocsi
metropolitan area: nagyvárosi terület
costume: jelmez
dog-sled race: szánhúzó verseny
dog sleigh: kutyaszán
grocery store: élelmiszer üzlet
Dia de los Muertos: a Halottak Napja mexikóiul
Day of the Dead: Halottak napja
angel: angyal
Little Angels: Aprószentek (A Jézus születése után lemészárolt 2 év alatti gyerekeket hívják így.)
gathering: összejövetel
involved: érintett
community: közösség
skull: koponya
sugar: cukor
Mexico: Mexikó
tattoo: tetoválás
meal: étel, fogás
product: termék
disappear: eltűnni
to copy: másolni
to be connected to: kapcsolódni valamihez
dangerous: veszélyes
popular: népszerű
to attract: vonzani
attraction: vonzerő 2. látványosság
I would like to go to the Snow Festival.: Szeretnék elmenni a Hófesztiválra.
The festival celebrates the end of a cholera epidemic.: A fesztivál egy kolerajárvány végét ünnepli.