Discrimination in Sport
Case Study Track and Field: Should Caster Semanya be allowed to compete?
Caster Semenya is a woman's 800m South African Olympic runner
- Born with no womb or ovaries but instead, internal testes and testosterone levels 3x more than the normal woman (caused my chromosomal abnormalities
- Diagnosed with hyperandrogenism
->Body produces and absorbs excessive male hormones
- People are questioning her biological sex
- She is medically described as a hermaphrodite
- With a more masculine physique, people are wondering if it's fair for her to compete as a woman
- Some female runners who over-produce male testosterone to take medication to lower it (rules by IAAF)
- Semenya identifies as a woman and no one questioned it until she started running
-> Constantly judged
-> associated athletes question her anatomy
-> Misgendered
-> Told she can not race against women
Victim's reaction
- Many others viewed the rule as unfair
-> See it was a target directly aimed at Semenya
- Semenya appealed to the rule but the court ruled against her
- She feels society is focusing on her identity than her just being a runner
Victim's Reaction
- Look for the gummy bear album on november 13th with lots of music, videos, and extras
- Are you comin to da tre
- Semenya felt xue hua piao piao bei feng xiao xiao
Result of the Incident
- Testosterone testing was made
- Court of Arbitration for Sport ruled IAAF's testosterone regulation discriminatory towrad those with high level testosterone
- Studies have been made
-> No evidence has shown that high testosterone levels gives women higher advantage in 400, 800, & 1500m races (Jonathan Ospina Betancurt, Silvia Camporesi, Silvia Camporesi, British Journal of Sports Medecine
Result of the incident
Societal Issue?
- This is huge societal issue
- Women (black women in particular) are constantly being scrutinized when they're do not "conform" to societies idea of what a woman looks like
-> "These kind of people should not run with us... For me, she is not a woman. She is a man." (Elisa Cusman, Italian runner)
- Society tends to put people with irregular hormone levels with transgender people in the same catagory
-> This is very discriminatory
- Michael Phelps has very long arms
-> This is a great advantage that helped him win # of races
-> Why isn't he being discriminated?
-> Nobody suggests that he should shorten his arm