Maya Patel
The Negative Impact Of Boats On Biodiversity
Background & Ecosystem Services
Humans use boats nowadays for transportation, traveling, recreation, fishing, sports, and military uses. According to Dr. Nichols, being on a boat promotes creativity and play. Boating resets our brains allowing us time to relax and recharge while connecting us with nature. It's helps by offering an escape from our everyday lives and generating a space to de-stress.
Picture #1
This image shows a military boat
Picture #2
This image shows a cargo-boat
Picture #3
This image shows a fishing boat
Species Impacted
Species Impacted
- Entanglement in fishing gear, particularly fishing nets, has significant impact on penguins.
- Penguins can get caught in fine meshed gill-nets set by local fishermen
- Once entangled in a net, there is no way for the penguin to escape and it will drown.
This image shows some of the threats to penguins
Penguins Caught With Hooks in Different Parts of Their Body Dead or Alive
- Majority of species killed by hooks were entangled
- Majority of species survived hooks entangled in the flippers
Sea Turtles
- Marine vessels operating in coastal waters can kill or seriously injure sea turtles.
- Damage to the shell can be from several things, including propeller wounds from boats.
- Injuries may increase the chance that the turtles will be struck again or attacked by a predator.
Sea Turtles
Picture #1
This image shows dead marine animals washed up ashore after being struck by a cargo ship
Picture #2
This is an image of a Turtle with propeller wounds
- Some of the biggest threats to dolphins are entanglement in fishing gear, nets & pollution.
- Dolphins would follow the same fish species that fishing boats are hunting and may get accidentally caught in their nets.
- Pollution has been a serious threat to aquatic mammals causing diseases and difficulty in finding food.
This image shows a dolphin being stuck in fishing nets
Steps In The Right Direction
Steps in the right direction
Steps In The Right Direction
- Carefully fueling boat engines, recycling used oil, & discarding worn motor parts into proper receptacles can prevent needless petroleum spills.
- Draining water out of all waterlines and tanks during the winter eliminates the possibility of bursting pipes.
- Properly dispose of used oil and fuel-absorbent material is a big step in preventing oil spills.
- This graph shows the number of incidents and spill volume for oil spills
- 2005- has the highest number of spill volume (up to/more than) 10 million gallons, in around 7 incidents
Action Steps
- Avoid pollutants’ spills
- BAMS- Dispose your garbage in the right way
- If you have a boat- remember to clean your boat
- Picking up wast on the beach
Action Steps
Picture 1
If you don't know, this is what pollutant spills can look like
Statistics/Not So Fun Facts
- According to the International Maritime Organization, the total number of fishing vessels in the world is estimated at around 4.6 million.
- Ships are used for transportation purposes like crude oil, petroleum products, raw materials, cars, etc., which are transporting more than 70% of the world’s trade (goods and cargo's).
- According to SCMO, there are almost 30 million recreational boats in the world; among them, approximately 18 million boats are owned by Americans today.
Recreation- activity done for enjoyment when one is not working
Not So Fun Facts
Distribution Of Motorized Fishing Vessels By Region
- Asia is the largest distributor
- North America is the 4th largest distributor
- Smallest distributor is Oceania
- Oceania-region Eastern/Western hemisphere
Here is a 3 min video...
This video represents extra facts about what happens after oil spills and what it can do to marine life.
Work Cited,%2C%20sports%2C%20businesses%2C%20etc.,the%20possibility%20of%20bursting%20pipes.