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Refine, aprimore e adapte seu conteúdo, obtenha imagens relevantes e edite recursos visuais com mais rapidez do que nunca.
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My first big accident happened when I was still only a toddler, or when I can barely walk. when I was still a baby I just fell down the stairs and at the bottom of the stairs there was a toy train. and when I reached the bottom of the stairs I hit my head of the toy train and split my head open.
extra) when I reached the hospital instead of crying and whimpering, apparently I was running around and laughing.
when I was around 6 or 7 in 2010 my parents my a big decision and decided to move to America. At that moment I didn't really think much of it but now looking back it was a huge decision for us. until 2017 we lived in Virginia and New York.
After living in the east coast for about 7 years. my parents decided to moved to California for the better. and to make it more exciting, we went on a month road trip across America while moving to California.
during my freshman year I went to Korea with the christian group called God's image. It is basically spending time in Korea with my friends for 2 weeks. Then after 2 week i spend another week spending time with my grandparents who living in korea
Earlier this year I spent a week in Hawaii with my siblings, PK, Sophia (PK's wife), and Kaylin (their daughter). It was my first time in Hawaii so it was fun, and I took care of Kaylin, which was also fun and challenging.
This is my current favorite japanese song. This song is the outro to the anime call SpyXFamily and i heard it and thought it was really good
This is the playlist I listen to the most. I not sure why but I just end up listening to this here and there
This is a game that I play online called Catan. It is about getting resources and the when you get certain amount of points you win
In this project, I want my audience to understand that even if I seem very gloomy and tired all the time. I can also be energitic and fun when i'm in a enviroment I want to be in. Throughout the process in making my self-protrait. I was thinking about what can show how I am but at the same time the easiest and the quickest attribute to do. my work may be short and rough but it is a genuine work. In the pictures slide I put pictures of my friend group, how I actually can be, and a little bit of my humor (no I didn't actually kiss him). and finally how I am when I'm spending time with God. In the video slide I put the link to the videos of reaction of when my group and I won a competiton in out little own comunity called God's Image. and the second video is how the picture in the first slide came out. futhermore my next 5 slides are dedicated to some of my life events. it includes my first big accident, moving to america, mocing to california, korea tour (God's Image), and finally hawaii trip,my forth silde is music. the first music is the outro to the anime I am currently watching and the second song or rather a playlist is the playlist I happen to listen to the most. It is the Rex Orange playlist. finally the fifth slide is the link slide. It is the link to a game I play online with my online friends and it's also a board game but I play online because I not onlu don't have friends to play with but also I don't have the boardgame. over all I think myself changes constantly throughout my life and I probablu will continue to chnage more in the future. I can only wish it will be for the best