Four Drive Theory
By Julia Mechlinski, Jess Cook, Grant Dubeil, Xavier Perez, Thomas Hill & Jackie Knight
Maslow's Needs Hierarchy Theory
- 7 categories (5 in hierarchy)
- Strongest source of motivation --> lowest unsatisfied need
- Main problems
- Model lacks empirical support
- Not universal, people have different needs
Maslow's Contribution to Motivation
- Holistic perspective - recommended studying multiple needs together
- Humanistic perspective - recognized that social dynamics influence motivation not just instinct
- Positive perspective
- emphasized importance of self-actualization
- foundation of positive OB
Four Drive Theory
- Drive to acquire - seek, acquire, control, retain objects or experiences
- Drive to bond - form social relationships & develop mutual caring commitments with others
- Drive to comprehend - satisfy our curiosity, know and understand ourselves and the environment
- Drive to defend - protect ourselves physically and socially
How Four Drives Motivate
- Drives determine which emotions to tag to incoming sensory info
- Emotions become conscious experiences when strong/conflicting with one another
- Mental skill set relies on: social norms, personal values, experiences that transform drive-based emotions into goal-directed choice
Practical Implications
- Jobs and workplaces should provide a balance opportunity to fulfill the four drives
- Organizations should neither overemphasize nor suppress fulfillment of each drive