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The Road Ahead

How do you want to change education?

Topic 1

Creative teaching and learning


I want to change educaion by developing more creative and meaningful activities for studet to partiacipate in and develop good cognitive abilities. I want this change because I believe a fun and interesting course is more effective than a class that students have no interest in.

What do I find lacking in current education norms and what will I do to combat those shortcomings?

Topic 2

What I find lacking in current education norms is that some teachers just had students read off the textbook and take notes. To combat this shortcoming I will prepared presentations of the topics and have key elements taught to the students in a more creative way such as a fun story or something. I had a teacher like this before eventhough he is nice and funny his teaching is quite just paper and pen

What kind of environment do I want to teach in?

Topic 3

I want to teach in a respectful environment, not saying everybody must be friends but should respect each other. Because I think respect is the a key element in communcation in which teachers need inorder to taught students knowledge and student need inorder to feel welcomed and willing to listen.

What subject would you like to specialize in?

Topic 4


The subject that I would like to specialize in is mathematics, because I like the feeling of satisfaction from solving an equation and tutoring others on their problems. Back in High School I was my math teacher’s assistant and had opportunities to help classmates after class on the topics we learned.

Which age range do I most want to deal with? Why?

Topic 5

The age range I most want to deal with is high school students so around 14-18 or older, because this is the time period where most of students’ performance are going to be viewed by colleges, and around this age students mostly have better cognitive ability, not saying that people of other age group doesn’t. According to Erik Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial development, at the age group of 13- 19 is stage 5 conflicts, which people at this stage set boundaries with parents to have private lives, start searching for a place within society. From my experience of teaching my little brother I find difficulty dealing with little kids and not have too much confidence in teaching college courses. I want to become a teacher that is suppurative to the students and encourages them to do their best.

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