19th Century People & Beliefs
Maryland Prints
Adaku Iwudike
December 1899
Rene Laennec
- French Physician
- Known as " Father of Pulmonary Diseases"
- Invented the Stethoscope in 1816
- Studied and Diagnosed :
- Bronchiectasis
- Melanoma
- Cirrhosis
- Tuberculosis
- Laennec's Cirrhosis
- Died at age 45 due to tuberculosis
A brawl happened in France. Bill too large or service inadequate?
Ignaz Phillip Semmelweis
Up next :
Ignaz Semmelweis
- Hungarian Physician and Scientist
- Known as the Savior of Mothers
- In 1847, Ignaz Introduced the Idea of Hand Washing
- Encouraged physicians to wash hands with lime before delivering babies and after autopsies
- Prevented puerperal (Childbirth) Fever
- Medical personnel resisted
- Died in 1865
Beautiful Interior Design of Hospital
Henry Gray (1827-1861)
- British Surgeon
- Published "Anatomy: Descriptive and Surgical
- After his death, revised and republished as Gray's Anatomy
- For 18 months he dissected bodies to have first hand knowledge about human anatomy
- Show is based off the title of the book
- Died of Small Pox at 34
Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915)
Up Next: Paul Ehrlich
- German Bacteriologist
- Developed methods to detect and differentiate between various diseases
- Developed foundation for modern theories of immunity
- Used chemicals to eliminate microorganisms
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
Open newspaper to gaze on these beautiful hardworking midwife
- French Biologist
- Proved microorganisms cause disease
- Pasteurized milk to kill bacteria
- Created vaccine for rabies in 1885
- Created vaccine for anthrax in 1881
Robert Koch (1843-1910)
Up Next : Robert Koch
- German Physician and Microbiologist
- "Father of Microbiology"
- In 1882, isolated bacteria that caused tuberculosis
- Anthrax disease cycle
- In 1884, he discovered the bacteria that caused Cholera
- Developed culture plate method to identify pathogens
- Infection of the small intestine by some strains of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae
- 5 pandemic outbreak
- 1st Outbreak, 1817
- 2nd Outbreak 1829
- 3rd Outbreak 1852–1859
- 4th Outbreak 1863–1875
- 5th Outbreak 1881–1896
pg.2 Broke out in India 1817
pg.9 finds quaratine ridiculous
Beware of Cholera in Water
Cholera in the 1800s
- Started in India from contaminated rice
- Spread through trade and military routes
- Killed in mass amounts, 200,000+ people per pandemic.
Cholera in 1800s
Importance of Water with Cholera
- John snow studied map of Soho Area of London
- Found out it was the pump
- Removed handled
- Cases dropped immediately
- 1883, Robert Koch grew and described cholera, and showed the bacterium in intestines causes cholera
- U. S and Great Britain improved water supply and quarantine measures
Importance of Water