MACH 3 ID - Elevator Pitch
Pitch analysis
Nancy T. Wheeler, 2012 BPC Elevator Pitch Winner
- Credibility and expertise on the topic (accurate data)
"Every 3,5 seconds a property crime is committed in the US."
- Description of how the app works
- Knowledge about the product she promotes and competitors
- Statistics mentioned (households, risks and accidents)
- Connection with the audience
- Use of "you" to interact with the public
- Emotional part ; "In the time I have been talking, seventeen property crimes have occurred"
Body Language
- Intense eye contact with the audience
- Words are punctuated by gestures
- Insistence on number with her fingers
- Mime of the expression "take a picture" with her hands.
- Smiling and confident gestures
Rhetorical devices
Alliteration ; "- Disasters, fires and floods"
Rhetorical question : "Would you know exactly what you lost if your house burned down ?"
Caesura : "None of our competitors offer the complete system we provide"
Amplification : "NOT LoJack, NOT Snag", "Nineteen returns"
Antithesis : "In the time I’ve been talking, seventeen property crimes have occurred"
Slogan ; "Mock 3 ID – ID your life"
What can be improved ?
- Mention the name of the speaker and the connection to the business
- Look at your business from the perspective of your clients
- Do not forget the call to auction