The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns
Written By: Chris Colfer
Book Report by: Mia George
- " The Other World" also known as our world, in the present
- Conner and Alex Bailey (the protagonists)
- Charlotte (the twin's mother)
- Bob (the twin's step father)
- Froggy or Prince Charlie (a friend of the twins)
- Red (Elected queen and is a friend of the twins and Froggy)
- Jack (plays a big role in helping the twins fight off all the bad guys)
- Goldilocks (she's a strong and independent woman who knows how to fight people)
- Ezmia the Enchantress (the antagonist)
Plot Summary
- The Evil Enchantress, Ezmia was back with a vengeance
- Ezmia already captured the twin's mom
- With the help of their friends they're on a mission to build a wand to defeat her
- Everyone got captured but Alex
- Instead of defeating Ezmia with the wand Alex defeated her all by herself using her words of forgivness
Rising Action
- Grandmother who's been missing for a year and a half comes back
- Grandmother leaves again
- Their mother gets taken
- The twins run away
- The twins flood their grandmother's house
- The twins are in the Land of Stories
- No one knows their there but their friends
- The Enchantress destroyed all the kingdoms
- All are on a mission to find all the items needed to make Wand of Wonderment
- The Enchantress captured everyone including the royals
- Alex came in and then Ezmia blasted her away
- Alex came back and threw away the Wand of Wonderment
- Alex fought the Enchantress weaponless
- Alex used words and forgave her which made Ezmia lose her pride
- Alex defeated the Enchantress at her own game
Falling Action
Falling Action
- The Enchantress realizes Alex is really powerful
- With the last ounce of Ezmia's strength she blasted her powerful magic at Alex
- Alex wasn't paying attention
- Instead, Rumpelstiltskin jumps infront of Alex and saves her
- Rumpelstiltskin was gone forever saving Alex's life
- Ezmia was gone forever and so were all her powers
- Fairy Tale World ended up closing the portal between both worlds
- Alex stayed behind in Fairy Tale World while her family went home
- Alex was becoming the next fairy godmother
- The prophecy made by the Snow Queen came true
Theme: A bit of courage goes a long way
- Alex gathered up enough courage to decide to stay in The Land of Stories without her family
- Alex and Conner had enough courage to stand up against the six most hated people in the world
- Alex had the courage to defeat the Enchantress without any weapons or wands but with her words
Book Review
Book Review
- I liked the book because...