Timelines -
The Balfour declaration
The british promised their support for the establishedment of a jewish homeland in palestine.
the collapse of the ottoman empire
After the war ,ottoman empire collapse and the land was divided up amongst the european countries. France got syria,lebanon,alegria,morocco,and tunisia. Great britian got egypt,sudan,jordan,and palestine. And italy got libya. They didn't draw borders by ethnic or religious groups or historical boundaries. Then the british made a promise to the arabs that if they helped defeat the ottomans they would get their own state.
The Creation of Israel
May 14, 1948 israel was created. The next day israel declared independence. Arab forces occupied the areas in southern and eastern palestine not apportioned to the jews.
Arab-israeli war
- After the war more than 6 million jews were killed by the holocaust.
- The united nations felt like it was right to create a jewish state in palestine due to their suffering.
- Then in May 14, 1948 Israel was created. The next day May 15, 1948 Israel declared independence. Arab forces from Eygpt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, and lebanon occupied the areas in southern and eastern palestine. Palestine captured east jerasulaem and the small jewish quarter of the old city. The Israelis won control of the main road to jerusalem through the yehuda mountains and sucessfully repulsed repeated arab attacks.
- Their war went on for 8 months. 1956:The suez crisis. Tentions mounted again with the rise to power of eygptian. Nasser took a hostile stance toward israel. In 1956 Nasser nationnalized the suez canal, a water way connecting europe and asia that was largely owned by the british and french. France and britian responded by striking a deal with israel. Israel ship's were barred from using the canal. Israel invaded eygpt.France and britian would be the peacemakers by taking control of the canal. in october israel invaded eygpt's sinai Peninsula. In five days israel captured gaza,Rafaḥ, and Al-ʿArīsh-taking thousnads of prisoners.