Layers of the Earth ~Samantha White
Oceanic Crust
- Made of Basalt
- Temperature ranges between 30.2 degrees Fahrenheit and 752 degrees Fahrenheit
- Thickness ranges from 5-8 kilometers
- Forms two-thirds of the Earth's surface and makes up the ocean floor
- Found at bottom of Ocean/ Below Continental crust
Continental Crust
- Made of Granite
- Temperature ranges between 392 degrees Fahrenheit and 752 degrees Fahrenheit
- Thickness ranges from 8-70 kilometers
- It is the lightest, most buoyant rock layer
- Thicker on land; Granite type rocks and sediment
- Made of silicate rock and minerals
- Temperature ranges between 1832 degrees fahrenheit and 6692 degrees fahrenheit
- 2,900 kilometers thick
- Thickest layer of the earth (85% of Earths weight)
Upper Mantle
- Its like the crust but much cooler and rigid
- Broken into large pieces which makes earth's tectonic plates
- # of plates that move over the asthenosphere beneath it.
- Weak rock that can flow slowly
- Softer/ partially molten; temp rises to 5432 degrees fahrenheit
Lower Mantle
- It extends from about 660 kilometers (410 miles) to about 2,700 kilometers (1,678 miles) beneath Earth's surface.
- Known as the mesosphere, it represents about 56% of Earth's total volume.
Lower Mantle
Inner Core
- Solid Core
- Made of iron and nickel
- 1,400 km thick
- Temp ranges from 9,032 degrees Fahrenheit to 10,832 degrees Fahrenheit
Outer Core
- Liquid Core
- Made of iron and nickel
- 2,400 kilometers thick
- Temperature ranges from 7,232 degrees Fahrenheit to 10,832 degrees Fahrenheit
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- The "liquid" layers are slower traveling through the earth, while the "solid" layers are quicker.
- The seismic waves change speed as the density of the rock changes.