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A hub for education

A hub for research

A hub for exchange

A hub for personal growth



The NGO Nest Berlin e.V. is a young umbrella organization for promoting transnational youth mobility. NGO Nest Berlin was founded in 2016.

Organization is understanding itself as a hub, helping other network partners to help young people to gain skills such as:

  • leadership
  • project management
  • NGO work
  • application writing
  • fund raising

Offer youth mobilities in Europe and beyond

Short term and long term stay at NGO´s abroad

4 Founders

NEST with 4 "Parents"

In 2016, four existing and solid institutions decided to create a new entity..

Mine Vaganti NGO

Mine Vaganti NGO

Mine Vaganti NGO is a no-profit organization born in Sardinia in 2009.

MVNGO is an educational training provider at local and European level. MVNGO has a consulting for public and private bodies in order to promote and develop European and trans-continental projects in Youth/Adults/VET/HEI/Sport Sectors (more than 100 active projects)

MVNGO promotes intercultural dialogue, social and green entrepreneurship, social inclusion through Sport, Formal and Non Formal Education including disadvantaged targets as migrants and people with disabilities. MVNGO is part of 3 international networks such as YEE, ISCA and MV International.



CRN is actively involved in scientific research, teaching and cultural activities that link the realm of ideas with everyday experience.

CRN performs research both as a partner within international consortia as within the scope of its own projects. CRN publishes a working paper series that communicates the work of its members to a wider audience.

CRN investigates among other things:

  • The changing significance of national borders within the context of European integration and global change
  • Post-Social transformation and its implications for urban and regional development in Central and Eastern Europe
  • The emerging geopolitics of the European Union
  • Cultural dimensions of urban change



The "Intercultural Youth Dialogue Association" (IYDA) was established in 2009 by a group of highly motivated young Egyptians.

IYDA promotes peace among fellow nations key competences in terms of intercultural understanding through youth participation and civic education.

Main mission is to promote peace and mutual understanding through international exchange program for the youth

Volunteers at the age from 15 to 35,provide education training and cultural exchanges for youth in order to encourage fellowship among nations.

''We believe in the essential value of “cultural diversity” and are convinced that intercultural understanding is a key condition for a more peaceful world'.'



The organization manages “MITOSIS”, a co-working space in Berlin. The space represents an open hub of collaboration and innovation participated by a disparate set of local and international professionals working in fields as diverse as Programming, Art and Philosophy.

Mitosis CoWorking - Feel free to work at your desk, talk business in the meeting room, or cook pasta together. This is a place where you can exchange ideas and build a network – or simply discuss the challenges and pleasures of Berlin life.

Mitosis Meeting Rooms - a highly flexible venue to accommodate your needs on an individual basis and tailored to your budget and group size. One-time or regular events such as conferences, training sessions, workshops, presentations or corporate meetings all find a place at the

two-floor location in an old Berlin factory building with a unique interior design.


Tuechtig Coworking

New legal headquarter of NEST: feel free to work at your desk, talk business in the meeting room, or cook pasta together. This is a place where you can exchange ideas and build a network – or simply discuss the challenges and pleasures of Berlin life.

Special attention to Inclusion, NGOs and people with disability!



NGO NEST BERLIN is implementing more than 20 projects (as partners) in all the actions (KA1 KA2) sectors of Erasmus+ programs:

  • Youth
  • Adult
  • VET
  • Sport



  • Migrants' issues
  • Environment and climate change
  • ICT - new technologies - digital competences
  • Labour market issues incl. career guidance / youth unemployment
  • Early School Leaving / combating failure in education
  • Open and distance learning
  • Energy and resources
  • Recognition, transparency, certification
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Entrepreneurial learning - entrepreneurship education
  • Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy)
  • Rural development and urbanisation
  • Reaching the policy level/dialogue with decision makers
  • Intercultural/intergenerational education and (lifelong)learning
  • Inclusion - equity
  • Integration of refugees
  • Social dialogue



KA2 Strategic Partnership (NGO NEST BERLIN is partner):

  • Step by Step,
  • New Upskilling Pathways for Adult Migrants In Craftsmanship,
  • Sustainability through Cross Border Circular Economy (SCRCE).

KA1 Youth (Implemented by NGO NEST BERLIN):

  • Sport Activities to Foster Entrepreneurship,
  • Building Europe Together - BE YOUTH,
  • Building Europe Together - BE YOUTH,
  • Journey to Peace,
  • Building Trust Through Cooperation,
  • EnvironMend,
  • Rural on the Go,
  • EmployAbilty starts from us!

Migrants in Fashion

KA2 VET Innovation''Migrants in Fashion'' project

NGO Nest Berlin is coordinating Project MIF Migrant in Fashion aims to address the entrepreneurial development needs of female migrants prospective entrepreneurs in the Fashion sector employing high-quality educational support scheme focused on bridging the barriers and gaps faced by the target in accessing knowledge, skills and instruments needed for translating entrepreneurial intentions into concrete business initiatives (start-ups) within the Fashion sector.

Project target - female migrants aged 18-35 affected by social exclusion. First and second generation female immigrants.

MF is an approach grounded on transnational cooperation between VET providers, NGOs and Businesses across a geographical cluster of countries providing a balanced picture of the present challenge of migrants’ integration in Europe.

''Migrants in Fashion'' project

MF will deploy the following activities in the 30 months of the cooperation:

– Identification and assessment of female migrants’ development needs in the Fashion sector and of existing offer of entrepreneurial learning in the field.

– Development and piloting of a blended learning training existing female entrepreneurs from each partner country in Mentoring within entrepreneurial education programmes delivered for prospective female entrepreneurs at the country level. The programme will integrate the co-design of the educational contents of local workshops with the participants.

– Implementation of local workshops of entrepreneurial development in the cultural field targeted at prospective female migrants in the fashion sector. The programmes will be implemented in cooperation with local stakeholders in the business field through a combination of face-to-face learning, Mentoring and work-based learning.

– Production of a Guide for operators in the VET and stakeholder fields supporting the latter in the enactment of entrepreneurial support schemes targeted at female migrants in Fashion entrepreneurship.

– Web Platform integrating e-learning modules in multiple language for online educational support of the audience of prospective female migrant entrepreneurs in the Fashion field.


KA2 Adults Innovation "DIS-ACT" project

NGO Nest Berlin is currently coordinating the Project "Dis-Act".

The project aims to deploys an intervention on the skills-related and emotional dimension of the disabled through exploring the educational, integration and creative aspect of Devised Theater. Devised Theater is conceived as an original approach to the theatrical production entailing a peer process of cooperation between a group of co-creators in the achievement of a final artistic product.

Involves 6 partners from Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, Estonia and Romania.

Direct targets - disabled adults aged 35-55 coming from disadvantaged urban and rural communities and Educators/Trainers providing or interested in providing support to their social inclusion

Indirect targets - Adult education institutions, NGOs, cultural businesses and associations, Arts centers/groups, Organizations of disabled people, Organizations/public agencies providing services for disabled people.

DIS-ACT project (2)

Dis-Act will deliver on the following results in the 24 months of the cooperation:

1- Identification of needs and barriers faced by disabled adults in Devised Theater and mapping of existing good practices through a transnational research.

2- Format targeted at adult education operators and institutions for the development of their capacities in employing Devised Theater as the cornerstone of a customized educational offer for the empowerment of disabled adults through co-creation and peer-interaction with the non disabled in Devised Theater.

3- Manual providing guidance and methodological support to operators in the implementation of co-creation programmes in Devised Theater targeted at disabled adults.

4- Web Platform integrating multilingual E-Modules for the professional development of operators in the field.


Big Collaborative Sport Project "Re(IN)novating Marketing Strategy Across Semi-professional Female Teams"

Participant Organizations:

  • MV INternational (Sassari, Italy)
  • Asociacia Za Razvitie Na Bulgarskiasport (Sofia, Bulgaria)
  • Fundacion Universitaria San Antonio (Murcia, Spain)
  • FC Sassari Torres Famminile (Sassari, Italy)
  • Zajednica Sportskih Udruga Grada Rijeke Rijecki Sportski Savez (Rijeka, Croatia)

Coordinated by NEST, RINMSASFT aims at strengthening managers of semi-professional female sport teams through an up-skill process related to marketing, communication and visibility strategies.

The project pursues the specific Erasmus Plus Collaborative Partnership priority related to promote and support good governance in sport with a specific focus on the major priority to foster and enhance gender equality in sport.


Partnership and Youth

7 KA1 Youth Implemented in Berlin

10 KA2 as Partners

250 youngsters involved!


National Grants

  • Ministry of Development
  • Private Foundations


University Cooperation

NGO Nest Berlin cooperates with the University of Bonn Rheinsieg and currently working on linking formal and no formal education methodologies to give additional value to the learning of young people. The organization is part of the Alliance for Global Development, an umbrella organization which aims to strengthen multilateralism by creating alliances to cooperate for global development.

H2020, AMIF


NGO Nest Berlin is working on project proposals for:

  • H2020,
  • AMIF,
  • EuropeAid,
  • Other programmes/grants


NGO Nest Bonn

NGO Nest is opening branch in Bonn, Germany.



Elisa Fiorucci (Berlin Office Manager)

Maria Grazia Pirina

Roberto Solinas

Guglielmo Apolloni (Former President)

Martin Barthel (President)

Ahmed Hassan (Managing Director)



Ismail Sehic

Mahmoud Sayed

Lavinia Eretta

Līga Šmite



Contact Information





NGO Nest Berlin e.V.

c/o TUECHTIG Oudenarder

Straße 16, Gebäude D06

Etage1 10117 Berlin


c/o Mitosis

Weserstr. 165

12045 Berlin

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