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Todorov's Narrative Theory






What is Todorov's narrative theory?

How this applies to my film

Tzvetan Todorov believed that narrative structures follow a sequence that result in a 5 part narrative.



The first step in Todorov's theory is the equilibirum.

This establishes balance in the beginning of the narrative.



Next the disruption happens. This is when an event occurs in the narrative to change the direction of events.

Recognition of the disruption


The third part of the theory is the recognition of the disruption. This is when characters realise there is a problem.

Attempt to repair

the problem

Attempt to repair

After realising there is a problem, characters aim to repair the problem and solve the issue they are facing.

Return to Equilibrium

The final part to the theory is the return to equilibrium. This is the resolution and typically where a new equilibrium begins, bringing the narrative full circle.

Return to equilibrium



Todorov's theory undoubtedly applies to many narratives in films and seems to be a common structure many narratives follow in order to convey a clear sequence of events.

The Lion King


Equilibrium: Simba is a lion cub that is portrayed as carefree and is excited about becoming King.

Disruption: Simba's father, Mufasa, is killed by his brother Scar.

Recognition: Years pass, Simba grows up and is later made aware by Nala that Scar is ruining the land.

Attempt to resolve: Simba returns and discovers that Scar killed Mufasa. The two battle and Scar dies.

Return to equilibrium: The narrative ends with Simba becoming King.



Equilibrium: Casey is home alone but receives multiple phone calls from an unknown who begins to threaten her.

Disruption: Casey and her boyfriend get murdered.

Recognition: The news of the murders reaches local news quickly and people begin to suspect a connection to the murder of Sidney's mother.

Attempt to resolve: After a series of other murders multiple characters work together to discover who is responsible.

Return to equilibrium: The narrative ends with the killers being discovered and eventually killed.

The Simpsons Movie


Equilibrium: Everyone is depicted to being doing their usual everyday things. Homer is doing chores.

Disruption: Homer saves a pig and later becomes lazy with his chores which results in him poisoning the lake.

Recognition: The Simpsons are kicked out of Springfield due to Homer's mistake and move to Alaska.

Attempt to resolve: After seeing Springfield is in trouble, the Simpsons realise that they have to go back and save the town.

Return to equilibrium: The dome over Springfield is blown up and everyone is free.

How does this apply to my film?

How this applies to my film

It is clear that Todorov's theory applies to many film narratives however it is possible for some to defy this theory. I believe that my short film will not include all 5 stages of this narrative structure theory. There is no resolution at the end of my short film as the ending to my narrative is open. My narrative follows a more disjointed structure which replicates the state of mind of someone who struggles with a psychological imbalance.

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