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- React is an opensource library used for building User Interfaces (UI).
- It is responsible only for building UI.
- Created and maintained by Facebook.
- Has huge community support with high demand for skillset.
- It has a component based architeture which allows breakdown down your application into small encapsulated parts which can then be composed to make complex apps
- Components makes it possible to make reusable code
- React is declarative : tell react what you want and it will build the actual UI.
- Install nodejs, vscode or use any editor of your choice.
- To create a project run
1. `npx create-react-app hello-world`
2. `cd hello-world`
3. `npm start`
- To get started edit app.js inside src folder of hello-world.
- what is npx : it is a npm package runner
- install react globally
1. `npm install create-react-app -g`
2. `create-react-app <project-name>`
- package.json :- contains the script and dependancies required for the project
- node_modules :- contails all the dependencies required by react when you run npx create-react-app appname
- public/index.html :- is the file that get served up you don't need to edit this file.
- src/index.js :- is the file you work with and edit
- src/app.js :- is the app component which represent the view we see in the browser.
- A component represents a part of the user interface.
- The component that carries all other component is known as the root component, and it is the containing component usually called AppComponent.
- Components are reusable.
- Types of Component
1. Stateless Functional Component :
- These are literally js functions
- that return html which describe the UI
2. Stateful Class Component.
- Class component are regular ES6 libraries that extent the component class from the ReactJS Library.
This is a javascript funtions that accepts objects of properties known as props. It accepts an input of properties and return the UI.
- Funtional components should be used as much as possible over the class based component
- Reasons
- Absence of this
- Solution without using state
- Mainly responsible for the UI
- They are basically ES6 Classes, they can optionally recieve props as import and return html.
- They can also maintain a private internal state (maintain info and use it to decribe UI).
- Class Component are:
- Feature rich
- Maintain their own private data
- Complex UI Logic
- Provide life cycle hooks
- Props is short for properties
- It is the optional input your component can accept which allows the component to be dynamic.
- We specify props as attributes
- props are immutable(unchanging over time)
- They get passed to the component
- A parent passes props down to the children
- this.props is used to access props
- State is managed within the component
- State can be changed
- this.state is used to access state
- State is managed within the component
- State can be changed
- this.state is used to access state
Routing is a process in which a user is directed to different pages based on their action or request.
ReactJS Router is mainly used for developing Single Page Web Applications
- React itself do not have a way to fetch or send data to the server, it doesn't even have to know if there is a server in the app.
- Thus we use and HTTP Library such as
- axios `npm install axios`
- fetch API
- Life cycle methods available for a class component can be classified into four phases
1. Mounting : they are called when an instance of a component is being created and inserted into the DOM. The mounting phase has four methods
- constructor
- static getDerivedStateFromProps
- render and
- componentDidMount
2. Updating : called when a component is being re-rendered as a result of changes to either its props or state. During the updating state we have 5 methods
- static getDerivedStateFromProps
- shouldComponentUpdate
- render
- getSnapshotBeforeUpdate and
- componentDidUpdate
3. Unmounting : called when a component is being removed from the DOM. Unmount has just 1 method
- componentWillUnmount
4. Error Handling : called when there is an during rendering, in a lifecycle method or in the constructor of any child component. This has 2 methods
- static getDerivedStateFromError and
- componentDidCatch
- Controlled Component
- To create a controlled component,
1. create a component state that will control the value of the imput element
2. then handle the onChange event
Use setState to modify a component state.
- Always make use of setState and never modify the state directly.
- Code has to be executed after the state has been updated? Place that code in the the callback function which is the second argument to the setState method.
- When you have to update state based on the previous state value, pass in a function as an argument instead of the regular object.
- if/else :
- don't work inside the JSX
- adding if/else statements within the JSX is not valid
- Element variables
- This a better approach which uses Javascript variables to store elements.
- Helps render the entire component or just a part of the component.
- Ternary conditional operator
- Even more simpler, can be used inside the JSX
- Short circuit operator
- Uses the && logical operator to evaluate both the right hand and left hand side if either the right or left hand side is false nothing with be returned.
1. constructor(props) :
- is a special function that is called whenever a new component is created.
- It is used for initializing state or binding the event handlers.
- Never make HTTP requests from withing a constructor.
- It is the only place you are expected to set or change the state by directly overwriting `this.state` fields in other scenarios you are expected to use `this.setState()`.
2. static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) :
- rarely used, when the state of the component depends on changes in props over time.
- since static, it does not have access to the this keyword. thus `this.setState()` cannot be called here instead you return an object that represents the new state of the component.
- do not cause side effects like HTTP requests
3. render() :
- this is the only require method in a class component
- we simply read this.props and this.state and return the JSX which describe the UI
- it is a pure function for the given props and state it should always render the same UI.
- Do not change the state of the component, interact with the DOM or make ajax calls here.
- Children component lifecycle methods are also executed here.
4. componentDidMount():
- is called only once in the entire lifecycle of a component and is invoked immediately after a component and all its children components have been rendered to the DOM.
- here is the perfect place to cause side effects e.g interact with DOM, make any ajax calls to load data etc.