Timeline of Dr. Jose Rizal's
Travel Abroad
May 3, 1882
- Rizal left on board the Spanish steamer ship Salvadora bound for Singapore
Philippines 1882
- From Singapore, he boarded the Djemnah, A French streamer bound for Europe
- Rizal arrived in Barcelona, the 2nd largest city of Spain
- "Amor Patrio" was published in Diarong Tagalog
- He also wrote the second article for Diariong Tagalog which is Los Viajes (Travels).
- Rizal enrolled at Central University of Madrid (Universidad Central de Madrid) for the licentiate in Medicine and Philosophy and Letters.
- The poem Miss Consuelo Ortiga y Rey (Miss C.O.Y.R) was written
Madrid Spain
- Rizal joined the Hispano-Philippine Circle (Circulo Hispano-Flipino)
- He completed his medical course and was conferred the degree of Licentiate in Medicine (Licenciado en Medicina) by the Universidad Central de Madrid
- Rizal was invited to give the principal speech. he saluted Luna and Hidalgo as the two glories of Spain and the Philippines
- He reached Heidelberg, a historic city in Germany famous for its old university.
- He worked at the University Eye Hospital under the direction and supervision of Dr. Otto Becker
- Rizal wrote “A Las Flores de Heidelberg” (To the Flowers of Heidelberg)
- Copies of Noli Me Tangere went of the press
June 19, 1887
- Rizal celebrated his 26th Birthday in Geneva Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland,
- After 2 weeks he take tour in Italy
- He visited famous cities of Venice, Turin, Milan, Florence, and Roma
- He stayed at Rome for a week
August 5,1887
- Rizal go back to the Philippines on board the vessel Djemnah
- stayed in Manila for 3 days
- He visited Ateneo de Manila
Manila, Phils.
- Rizal returned to Calamba and face many rumors
- Rizal left Calamba and went to Manila
for he was invited to see Governor-General Emilio Terrero as regards his Noli
- Rizal went to London and stayed at the home of Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor (lawyer)
- For 10 months, he was deeply immenced in his historical studies in London.
- While he is in London, he received news of persecution of Filipino patriots including his family
England, Spain
- Rizal visited Paris for a week and visited his Juan Luna
- The Associacion de La Solidaridad was inaugurated, Rizal served as the Honorary President
- From London he went again to Paris. He organized the society called Kidlat Club – aim to bring together the young Filipinos in the French capital
Paris, France
- Rizal and his friends attended the opening ceremonies of the Paris Universal Exposition
- Felix Hidalgo (2nd), Felix Pardo De Tavera & Juan Luna (3rd), Rizal’s artwork didn’t qualify for the exhibit.
- Rizal founded the secret society called as Redencion de los Malayos (Redemption of the Malays)
January 28, 1890 until end of July
- Rizal left Paris for Brussels, Belgium
- Rizal received letters from the Philippines that worried him;
- Rizal had bad dreams during the nights in Brussels when he was restless because he was always thinking of his unhappy family in Calamba
- Rizal planned to go home
Brussels, Belgium
August, 1890
- Rizal arrived in Madrid
- Rizal immediately sought help of the Filipino colony, The Asociacion Hispano-Filipina, and the liberal Spanish newspaper in securing justice for the oppressed Calamba tenants
Madrid, Spain
- Jose Ma. Panganiban, his talented co-worker died
- Aborted duel with Antonio Luna
- Infedility of Leonor Rivera
- He had a rivalry with Marcelo H. Del Pilar
February, 1891 - March 29, 1891
- Rizal arrived in Biarritz, France to seek solace for his disappointments
- He kept working on his second novel which he began to write in Calamba 1887
- He finished the manuscript of El Filibusterismo
Biaritz- Paris-Belgium
- He proceeded to Paris by train
- revision of the finished manuscript of El Filibusterismo was mostly completed
- He published the El Filibusterismo
November 20, 1891 - June 1892
1891 - 1892
- Rizal arrived in Hong Kong.
- He established his residence
- He also opened his medical clinic
- December 1, 1891 - he wrote his parents asking for their permission to go home
- Rizal successfully operated his mother
- December 23, 1891- Rizal sent a letter to Governor Despujol
- Rizal created many writings in Hongkong and his most important writing if the Constitution of La Liga Filipina
May, 1892
- Rizal decided to return to Manila, Philippines
- Rizal wrote two letters which he sealed, inscribed on each envelope “to be opened after my death” and gave them to Dr. Marques for safekeeping
Manila, Phils.
- Rizal returned to Manila and organized La Liga Filipina