Federal question/arising under
Federal question
- Article 3, Section 2 (authorized by Constitution)
- 28 US Code §1331 (implemented via statute)
- Assume that if something falls within the meaning of 1331, it is also constitutional for Congress to grant jurisdiction
- ONLY IF A FEDERAL QUESTION WOULD APPEAR ON THE FACE OF A WELL-PLEADED COMPLAINT can a case arise under the Const/laws/treaties of the US (1331) -> WPC Rule
- Exam: satisfying WPC Rule doesn't necessarily mean you have FQJ, but that's as far as we gaf
- Complete preemption (fed preemption of state law + exclusive fed remedy)-> don't assume; he'll tell us if this doctrine is satisfied
Well-pleaded complaint rule
WPC Rule
- A case arises under the Const/laws/treaties of the US under the meaning of 1331 ONLY if a federal question appears on the face of a well-pleaded complaint
- 2 things to answer
- Does federal law supply an element of the claim? MUST BE YES
- IS said claim asserted in the complaint?
- Can't be based on a federal claim to a claim created by state law OR a counterclaim based on federal law (Holmes Group).
- Defendant's preemptive declaratory judgments do not satisfy (only difference between this and an affirmative defense is the timing with respect to the plaintiff's suit)
Louisville and Nashville RR Co. v. Mottley
- If you want to get FQJ, you have to satisfy the WPC Rule -> has to be in the PLAINTIFF'S complaint, the federal element cannot be solely in the defense or counterclaim
- Plaintiff's claim was a contract claim, not a federal issue
Hybrid claims
- What happens if federal law is incorporated into a state-created cause of action?
- a) state has created the cause of action, and
- b) liability under state law is determined by applying a federal rule of decision (ie federal law)
- We're not focused on the wording; we're focused on the key activators
- Satisfy WPC Rule, but don't assume you have FQJ
- For exam: just be able to identify a hybrid claim, distinguish it from legislative plagiarism, and recognize that if you're ever faced with a hybrid claim, there's further analysis to be done
§ 1441 -> defendant can remove any claim that satisfies the WPC rule (heavily reliant on plaintiff power)
(c) -> provides exception for suits that have claims that satisfy the WPC rule but some that don't -> you can bring the whole suit up and the court will sever the parts that don't work for them and will kick them back to state court yasss
Diversity jurisdiction
- Differences from FQJ
- Focuses on the identtiy of the parties, not the character of the claim
Statutory authority
All require AICR and diversity
Statutory authority
Diversity requirement
- Mas v. Perry
- Jurisdiction over Mr. Mas [France] v. Perry [La.] under 1332(a)(2)
- b) Jurisdiction over Mrs. Mas [Miss.] v. Perry [La.] under 1332(a)(1)
- Alternatively, said the lawsuit as a whole could be analyzed under 1332(a)(3) as well
- COMPLETE DIVERSITY -> diversity across the v.
- Judicial interpretation of 1332(a)(1) -> then clarified statutorily in 1332(a)(3)
- Special rules for determining citizenship in 1332(c)
- Corporation is a citizen both of the state inc. and the state in which principal place of business ("nerve center" approach in 2010) -> headquarters
- This rule is intended to limit the availability of DJ
- An unincorporated association is a citizen of all of the states in which the individual members of the association are citizens
Amount in controversy requirement
- Aggregation rules 1332(a)
- Statute has been read to require that the claim of each π against each ∆ has to satisfy the AIC requirements
- A (π) and B (π) each sue C (∆) for $40k each -> FAIL
- Claims don't have to be related
- "I sue you and have 2 claims against you, each is $40k, then it satisfies the aggregation rule"
Supplemental jurisdicti
- If a court has FQJ or DJ on 1 claim in a lawsuit, it may have supplemental jurisidction on claims that don't have them but are closely related enough to the claim that does have it
- Requirements
- Statutory authorization
- Constitutional authorization
- Same constitutional case or controversy
- Perhaps federal ingredient
- Federal claim
- We actually dgaf about federal ingredients
28 US Code §1367
§ 1367
- 1367(a) giveth... (power prong)
- and 1367(b) taketh away (the "except" clause)
- Bars supplemental jurisdiction over claims by plaintiffs against defendants joined under…
- Rule 14 = defending party becoming a 3rd party plaintiff and bringing another defendant & plaintiff can then assert claim against that 3rd party
- Rule 19 = must be joined cause idk
- Rule 20 = plaintiffs or defendants joining cause same drama
- Rule 24 = intervention shite idk
- OR by plaintiffs joined under…
- Rule 19
- OR seeking to intervene as plaintiffs under …
- Rule 24
- only applies to claims asserted by plaintiffs and persons proposed to be joined as plaintiffs or seeking to intervene as plaintiffs.
- so if we’re not talking about the π, or πs, § 1367(b) is irrelevant, there’s supp j under 1367(a)
- But… rule 20 gap
- 1367(b) doesn’t apply when you only have 1 defendant
- 1367(c) -> discretion prong
SCA vs WCA -> Allapattah
SCA vs WCA and Allapattah
- Single Complaint Approach v. Whole Complaint Approach
- SCA -> only a single claim needs to satisfy the requirements of diversity jurisdiction
- WCA -> they all do
- Literally doesn't matter because Allapattah established that we use SCA with AICR but complete diversity in every respect (WCA)
- If one claim exceeds $75k within the suit, that’s enough
Owen Equipment and Erection Co. v. Kroger
- SJ through the DJ route
- Context rationale
- Impleader: the facts of this case
- Cross-claim: π sues ∆1 and ∆2, ∆1 can bring a cross claim against ∆2 c)
- Counterclaim: π sues ∆1, then ∆1 sues CC against the π and a second CC ∆2 d)
- SCOTUS also seems to suggest when a party is hailed into federal court against their will
United Mine Workers of America v. Gibbs
- Supplemental jurisdiction via FQJ route
- Requirements
- 1 independent basis
- Substance sufficient on the claim (don't want plaintiffs using frivolous claims to get to federal court)
- State and federal claim derive from common nucleus of operative fact
- do fairness, considerations of convenience, and judicial economy indicate claims should be tried together? OR
- transaction of occrurrence test
- Discretion power -> you CAN exercise jurisdiction here, but highest court decides not to
Basic overview
- Every state has court of GENERAL JURISDICTION
- Federal courts are of LIMITED JURISDICTIOn
- May only hear those disputes in which SMJ has been authroized by the Constitution AND conferred by federal statute •
- In most cases, when a federal court has SMJ over a case, state courts of general jurisdction have concurrent SMJ