How to Train a Horse the "Catch Me Game"
By:Beca Appelmann
- Catch your horse with more ease
- Reduce stress
- Build a strong foundation
- Horses are unpredictable and can cause bodily harm.
- We are using treats-set boundaries for these
- Don’t let your guard down when attempting these steps.
- This is an outdoor activity; weather can affect outcome and situation.
- Horses are like people-we all learn differently.
- This is not to be forced-listen to your horse
- Have fun!
What you need?
Additional needs
- Clothes that can get dirty or protects you from weather
- Abudance of patience
Step 1
- Sit near your horse and spend time with them
- Don’t attempt to catch your horse
- Patience and consistency is key!
Step 2
Step 2-
- Put your hand up and whistle
- As soon as they touch your hand (make a click noise)
- Reward that behavior
- Repeat multiple times every session
- Limit it to 3-6 times a session
- Patience and consistency is key!
Step 3 and 4
Step 3
- Additional requirement required
- Put the leadrope on their neck from right side.
- 3x with relaxation
Step 4
- Perform the same on the left side
Step 5
- After they are relaxed add halter
- Make it harder each time-higher standards
- Reward each time they either reach or pass your standard
Step 6
- Find what your horse likes and add it in between your sessions.
- If what you are doing one day is to much the next day, go back to step one.
- Not a race!
- You are building a strong foundation!
- You can work on other tasks
- Use these and other fun tricks to work your horses mind
Parelli, P., & Kadash, K. (n.d.). A western horseman book
Retrieved September 26, 2022, from
Roberts, J. (2021, April 28). Harmonized horsemanship blog.
Harmonized Horsemanship. Retrieved September 26, 2022, from