Session 2:
Ethical leadership &
Transformational Leadership
For grading, do you prefer I put a "0" on something not turned in (that's past due) so you see it and know your real grade?
Or do you prefer I leave it blank? (Your real grade may not appear.)
What is ethics?
"a set of moral principles, relating to or affirming a specified group, field, or [behavior]"
Ethical standards: utilitarian
"Greatest good for greatest amount of people.
Rights Approach
"Right to make your own choice (within the law)."
Fairness Approach
"All equals should be treated equally"
Virtue approach
"Our actions should be connected to values."
Common GOod Approach
"Our actions connect to community good"
Questions from reading responses:
- How do you guide young people in what is moral?
- Would you break the law if you saw the law as unethical?
from homework reading:
"A Framework for thinking ethically"
Ethical dilemma steps
- Recognize a moral issue
- Is there something wrong personally, or socially?
- Is it damaging?
- Is it deeper than a legal issue?
- Get the Facts
- What people or groups are at stake?
- What are the options for acting?
- Evaluate Alternative Actions
- Which option will produce the most good and do the least harm?
- Which option respects the rights and dignity?
- Which would enable deepening or development?
- Make a Decision
- Act, Then Reflect
- How did it turn out? How would you do it differently?
- Is this issue solved best with Utilitarian, Rights, Fairness, Common Good, or Virtue?
Group Activity: Case studies
Case studies
Ethics Unwrapped: Case Studies
Case Study
ethical leadership activity
POLL: Would you like to choose your groups/topics or be randomly selected into groups?
- Ebola Crisis
- https://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/case-study/ebola-american-intervention
- Campus Free Speech
- https://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/case-study/freedom-speech-campus
- Racial Bias at Starbucks
- https://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/case-study/meet-me-at-starbucks
- Standardized Tests Scandal
- https://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/case-study/cheating-atlantas-school-scandal
- iphones + Indonesia
- https://ethicsunwrapped.utexas.edu/case-study/apple-suppliers-labor-practices
Ethical dilemma steps
- Recognize a moral issue
- Is there something wrong personally, or socially?
- Is it damaging?
- Is it deeper than a legal issue?
- Get the Facts
- What people or groups are at stake?
- What are the options for acting?
- Evaluate Alternative Actions
- Which option will produce the most good and do the least harm?
- Which option respects the rights and dignity?
- Which would enable deepening or development?
- Make a Decision
- Act, Then Reflect
- How (would/did) it turn out? How would you do it differently?
- Is this issue solved best with Utilitarian, Rights, Fairness, Common Good, or Virtue?
Transformational Leadership
“The world can be transformed only when it is seen differently than it was before”
(Frances K. Stage, Using quantiative data to answer critical questions, p. 22)
Inspirational Motivation
- Shares their clear vision
- Motivates others to achieve their goals
Belief: "We are all leaders"
Transformational Leaders: Respond to individuals' needs, empower others, motivates, encourages learning and creativity, and aligns projects with goals
Goal: Support growth of each team member,
Results: Research has found that Transformational Leaders have "higher levels of performance and satisfaction [and well being]" with their teams
Individualized Consideration:
- offers support and encouragement to individuals
- clear communication so that team feels free to share ideas
- recognizes others
Idealized Influence:
role model (ethical)
Intellectual Stimulation
- Encourages others to learn
- exploration of new ways of doing things
Questions from Reading response:
With COVID and so many intense things happening around us, how do we as transformational leaders stay authentic to what we're feeling and still keep up our energy to encourage others?
My This is me Presentation
“How can they know one another if they have forgotten one another’s stories,
how can they know whether or not to trust one another? People who do not trust
one another do not help one another, and moreover they fear one another”
(Lopez 7).