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The twelfth day of july

-Denis Tahiragini

-Kirelus kolta

-Joep Caljouw

-Thierry de Kok

-Zakaria el mimouni 16-9-2022


The Jackson Family:

Sadie Jackson went to the catholic side of Belfast and broke into the house of the family McCoy. She went inside of the house and wrote things about king Billy. the people of the catholic side dont like king Billy, Sadie almost got cought, but she threw flour into the eyes of Kevin McCoy so she could escape. it was to dangerous to walk down the streets so she broke into another house and she stayed there untill it was safe to walk down the streets. Sadie got cought a few days after she broke into the house. the family McCoy found her, but the jackson's found her also. she walked outside and she told her father she got kidnapped by the McCoy's



The troubles happened in Northern-Ireland, most of the troubles happened in Belfast. the goverment of Belfast build a wall to prevent people fight with eachother, but it didnt really work, because lots of people from the both sides are still throwing bombs or other things to the other side of the wall.



When Henry VIII turned England into a Protestant country in the 16th century most Irish people remained roman catholic. The following English monarch sent soldiers to Ireland to make them protestant as well.

In the course of time the landowners in the northern part of Ireland fled their land and left it to the English king. James I sent thousands of protestant colonists to settle on the land that belonged to the Catholic people. These settlement were called plantations.

The Catholics rebelled against this policy but by the middle of the 17th century they had been finally defeated . the Catholics were left without land and power.

By the beginning of the 19th century Britain had gained control of the whole island. Ireland joined Wales England and Scotland to become the United Kingdom.


the conflict between the protestants and the catholics has been going on for over 400 years. In the second half of the 20th century the 2 groups killed over 3000 people. Towards the end of the century a new peace agreement was signed.

the end

this was our english presentation. we divided the tasks everyone had to do and i hoped u liked it.


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