Week 10 Session 1_L01
Exam practice & Recap
Exam practice: Academic Communication
Please complete the practice in 8 minutes.
- Delivery and Pronunciation
- ending sounds
- connected speech
- word stress
- pitch and intonation
Submission of Assignment 2
- The problem comes from turnitin.
- It has been switched off.
- You can submit your sound file.
- You can also upload the cover sheet as well.
- If you submitted your assignment before 3:00 pm yesterday, please submit it again.
More about delivery and Pronunciation
More about delivery and pronunciation
Implementing academic oral presentation skills
- Presentation planning and preparation (P.39)
- Rhetorical devices (P.41)
More about delivery and pronunciation
- A rhetorical device uses words in a certain way to convey meaning or persuade readers, which appeals to the emotions, sense of logic or perception of authority of the audience. It is the art of speaking.
Wrap up on preparing your speech
Wrap up on preparing your speech
Wrap up on preparing your speech
Wrap up on preparing your speech
Wrap up on preparing your speech
Your speech should be well structured with an introduction, body and conclusion.
To help your audience, you need to state your purpose clearly and provide the outline of sections.
Use appropriate signposting language and transitional marks such as 'to begin with', 'let's move on to the next point', etc.
Wrap up on preparing your speech
Your argument should be supported by evidence such as statistics and examples.
Have a proper opening e.g. addressing your audience, introducing yourself.
Have a proper closing e.g. 'that's all', 'thank you', etc.
Wrap up on preparing your speech
Check your pronunciation by visiting reliable online dictionaries e.g. Collins Dictionary, Dictionary.com, etc.
Short pauses and repetition are helpful.
Rehearse and sound as if you were making a speech by referring to cue cards.
Record your speech in a quiet environment and at least listen to the final product once.
Samples and comments
Listen to 3 samples and complete the comment sheets.
Samples and comments
- all 3 are good samples.
- well-structured
- delivered in a fluent manner with good pronunciation and good language use e.g. appropriate vocabulary
- arguments are supported
- Each has its own good points.
- Proper opening and closing
Samples and comments
- Make good use of supra-segmental features such as stress, intonation and so on to draw the attention of the audience.
- just a common phenomenon; extremely; increasing; dangerous/danger; must pay attention; deliberately slow down the pace
Samples and comments
- a very well-structured speech
- definition
- a clear purpose: why stay-at-home dads should be supported
- outline of sections: 3 perspectives
- psychological, social and educational
Samples and comments
- good use of signposting language to guide the audience e.g. first of all, the first part of my speech, let's move on, here comes the last part of my speech
- Outline of sections: meaning, seriousness, solution, the importance of legislation
- use of repetition: let me repeat
- expressive
Oral presentation today:
- Raising awareness in conserving wildlife in Hong Kong
- Protecting Special Species
Oral presentation
- Jace
- Protecting Endangered Species: why
- Jimmy
- Ageing Problems