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The Fialova House

The Vatore House


Edia Vatore

Roden Vatore

Nakia Fialova

Idony Fialova

Around year 1407 they where whiped

Kira Fialova

Full Name

The Noir House


Juia Noir

Judain Noir

Sirens are naturaly mischevious and boundry testing Jinin. They lived in small comunitees of around 25 sirens each they did not have any big cities or people with higher political functions.

Each group had their own customs and groups living in a spicific area tend to look similar to each other. They where often managomous but where no strangers to polygamy eather. Few of there gifts where being able to manipulate water curents, comuncations with other sealife and longdistance comunication. The sirens also had the gift of slow aging like the elves and low succesfull reproduction atempts.


one of the ways to get better at fighting and improving your skills is by becoming a hunter where you find ripers or other nuisances that the area has proclaimed as targets.

Born in 1380

When her mother got notice of the sirens being masequered she fled on to land in a panick not knowing what to do, while she was watching her people die. She did not know that that move would ultimatly save her life.

The Vampires


By not being in the water and not being in siren form the queen did not feel her and was able to focus in on her. There might have been other sirens who where missed by the queen but none of them close enough to one and other or brave enough to find each other that they eventualy died out.

But Solina's mother was young and pregnant. She found refuge with the witches who lived by the shores who immeaditly took her to the dense woods close to the vamp border. There where a lot of Elven scouts send to Pure looking for Sirens. The queen was so weakend and drained by the masequer that she had no life left to go looking for any missed sirens. And her daughter was still to young to crown. There she met the Noir Twins who urged her to get spells to help her go undeteced in Gruite since their there where no scouts looking for Sirens.

The twins saw this a sign to go back to Gruitte to help not only Solina and her mother but other damend outcasts, the witches normaly dont let people just leave after intergration but made and exception for them because they believed in their cause. 1407

So that is how Solina has become a primary member of the noir house. Passing as just anoher one of the twins orphaned children that they took in.

How did the sirens go extinct? Well the 'Angels have been warry of Moreland since they discoverd the existence of it. So to keep up with the creatures of Moreland they started to persuade the humans as soon as they started to develop common inteligance. They made people into messiah and they told them twisted stories that painted the angels as.. well angels, saints, goodnes its self. And when the angels/ Celili got heard of Jinin in midka they went apeshit.

Turning humans into there little spies and through a lot a trial and error they found the humans managed to take al types of Jinin(exept elves) out of Moreland into midka where the angels conducted many experiments on life but mostly dead Jinin. They did this unbeknownst to the queens. Through there experiments they found that the Sirens blood, tears and mucase where great fertilizers and could make them even stronger and with the Celili numbers dwindeling, they knew enough.

The Celili started a great plan to take more Sirens with there little human servants risking as they executioners of this great plan. They persuaded and convinced a great number of humans to execute this plan they gave them an aray of weapons and they had maps and batle strageties. They however made critical mistake of doing this al at once. Having som foreign beigs entering Moreland does not ring any alarm bells in the chaos that is the queens concious. But a bunch of Humans entering all at once and an bunch of Jinin especially Vampires because of the portals loction noticing this uprore. Definitly did ring a bell with the queen. The queen took over some vampires and tortured some humans into confesing their plan.

When she discovered the Celili their plan she made a drastic desion to kill all the Sirens out of fear that the angels might come back some how with a better plan and that the Sirens blood could somehow conect them to Moreland enabeling them to enter Moreland and kill all the Jinin. This was very drastic desion and was one of the most painfull experianses that any queen has been through she also retired short after. The plan however did work a few message human where send back and the Celili tried a few more times to test what other Jinin blood could aid them but nothing really worked it all just made them sick and in some witch blood cases killed a few Celili and many test humans. So they gave up trying to medle with Moreland and Angel encounters became somthing from ancient times in Medka.

Solina survived this masequer through sheer luck her mother was part of group who where really developed in their land legs skills. They developed a taste for shellfish that grew on the rocks on the shoure that they could not reach without legs.

The Vampire Houses

Juia and Judain are Changelings meening they have been cursed before birth by a witch. This witch is unkown but they probably had some kinda of resentment towards the twins mother.

Being a Changeling in Moreland meens that a part of your soul and identy has been switched with that of your twin. And in this case has made Juia and Judain Trans. They have been abandoned by there mother at birth probably out of fear of the curse.

There mother did not know the true meaning of the curse and that it did not make the twins dangerous. In most cases the witch themself does not know what the spell does it is a farely easy spell to do but its also a realy rare spell because you would use it to harm a pregnant woman and those specific surcumstance don't acur often. It being a rare curse makes its true concequences proan to exaggerations. The curse has even garded great fear and discust with the vamps who are not the supersitios bunch.

This Curse was once given to a set of twins where one of twins was still born (which had nothing to do with the curse) the other twin was then left with a piece of her soul missing and she went insane and rampaged Gruit Mortuis killing (through feeding on vampires which was unheard of) many vampires always in search of somthing that she could never find.

In turn our Juia and Judain became orfand and outcasted of Vampire society. They spend sometime with the witches in the Council's early days 1403 when they where 23. Where they underwent multiple magical procedures to resemble how they felt on the inside. These procedures are not easy and also very dangerous ( think of Yennefer in witcher).

They returned to Gruite more powerfull and capable with there vampiric powers and they started the first house; The Noir House. They realized that there where many more outcasted and dangerous vampires out in Gruite like ripers that they could help stabalize. Vampires in there house are also called Orphans or Outcasts.

Yet they remain strong and tolaraided by most the other houses because of there strenght and lack of involvment in actual politics and vampire society.

The Huntris House

Lillith Huntris

Sage Huntris

Rosilia Huntris

Khaladun Qruad

Kali Lisel

Darius Whitley

Full Name

Anastasia Huntris

Visovel Qruad




Full Name

Adrenlina Reignland

Head of Council

Nelope Caranra

Head of youth devision

Rosalind Huntris

Kristia Soren

Morgan Ember


Et cher Leim

Kendrai Tiberius

Head of Combat

Acelia Lyons

Head of Magic


Haven Moreland

The council of the witches was established in 1388. The creation of the council hapend beacuse the Red Maica had a vision of a great war between the witches and the Vampires.

Predictions of the future are a very unstaible form of magic. She uptained the power to do a future reading by killing and creating the perfect potion. She took that potion hersef and had a 6 hour long fight with the potion that almost killed her. The Redmaica had many bad omens that she felt it nescary to do this spell for the sake of her people

Sommenton >

Leim {nadestra More}

They are said to be able to comunicate with all the living things that are home to the forest because of the tree.


Rona Moreland

Riella Moreland

Silas Pierula

Mallory Byrd

70-80 Natural Lifespan



The Shadaré are physicaly diverse because of there past. There was a time before Neach when they actualy let other Jinin in there groups like the witches. After Neach this slowly stoped with more and more Jinin entering there woods with unpure intentions

The Red Maica is a role in Witch society only really seen before 1388. She often was a older witch with great experience and power. She was the head of the witches often the one coming up with new spells and potions to enhance witch society. It was her job to keep her people safe especialy from the vampires who where till that time still often feeding on witches. This role however died down with the start of the council.

The last Red Maica had her vision of the war and went into a a state of meditation for a month ultimately declaring the council with her as head of council after. She determined it the best way to posibly stand a chanse against the vampires. Ultimatly it was her vision it self, damning the wicthes. Because of it Pure et Chyjvidis became Pure et Unpure and the Witches grew so much in number that they had no choice but to expand into the waistland, creating tension with the very teritorial Vampires also looking to expand because of their increasing numbers. This confrontion however only hapening in 2793.

The exact origins of the Shadaré is unknown to most, but they aswell are ofspring of a past queen. Queen Shadaré, the golden queen, who had golden brown hair and a special conection with nature and she is also said to have created the white tree to share the gift of conection with her most loyal folowers.

The Shadaré are a fierce comunity of wood elves who life to serve the Kawasay Apmuq, a big white leaved tree in their teritory that is said to have extraordinary powers like reanimation and immortality if used correctly.

The Shadaré are outcased of Elven society and are the only group of Elves that are expierenced fighters. They are all trained to know how to use a multitude of weapons. They have developed these skills because of constant threat of poachers and intruders. Similar culturaly to the dwarfs.


General High Society Elf

The Witches

Ernestine Moreland

Acacius Moreland

After 1388 Witch Culture as we now it realy starts to be established. The start of the council with a head of council, fighting, magic and youth was the start of witches getting to experiment in a school setting. It was the first proper school system in Moreland where Witches sudenly had the chanse to learn other magic then their comunity was specialized in. Atending school was not mandetory for born witches but many witches went and small comunity culture became more and more rare. The council is in Sommenton wich already was a bigger city comparing to the towns of Pura et Chhyjvidis but truly became a big city in Pura et Unpure. The council opend up many other schools for espcialy youth. The council still being the one where you wanted to be if you wanted to be thaught by the best and the heads.

The Council not only taught born witches but also other witches that they still called witches if they completed the process. If a unbound witch ( a Jinin that is not a witch or a human) wanted to find refuge with the wicthes they had to complet training with the council. They had to become decent fighters specialzing in at least one weapon. This exceptance of others was part of the last Red Maica's plan to grow a strong diverce army. Many humans and vampires have sought refuge with the witches. This aceptance of others truly became part of their culture they have become opminded Jinin. Blood magic has become perhibted througout the years and the memory of the Red Maica's lost to most expect those interested in history and living in smal comunities still.

The Witches Council

Moreland Elves

Red Maica


300-400 Natural Lifespan

Fear of Riella being like her because she was the monsteres not pure queen with burnt color eyes.

Naech is also the only queem that's know to have changed her aperence signifacantly her hair turning black and skin more gray towards the end of her reign. She was born with her golden eyes though, wich in hindsight the Elves saw as a sign. She also could psychicaly become one with fire and lava wich no queen has been able to do or tried after her. Her ofspring, the Ma Wutas, also tend to have darker hair and are not super pail.

Jinin Alyuna

Demon blooded creatures

Neach Faeri

Ma Wutas also know as the fire starters they are ofspring of Naech and have a deep conection to the vulcanos. They dont have any special powers but culturaly they are brash and a bit eratic at times. There land is super vertile and most of them have become farmers. There part of land is called Caisi Wuta.

Naech changed a lot she was the bringer of big changes with the elves because of her the political sytems where placed to bring some order with her caotic reign. In her chaos the so orderly elves became derailed and some scolard and powerfull elves establish the court they took and raised her daughter and have done so with every Et cheir Leim till now. They wanted to go back to the pure ways of queens before and that also ment in looks.

They where succesfull in this because Naech was so deranged and not in control of the full aspect of her powers like being one with all. She did not know who took her daughter and going back to capitol was to triggering and foreign for her so she never did.

Neach fled to Caisi Wuta early on in her reign to escape the loudness of the capital. She had many children with a variety of men. Her fourteenth child was her daughter Mira, who soon after her birth got swapped with an other baby by the nurse. Her real daughter was taken by the court and raised to be the perfect queen. Condiotend at a young age to obey and to behave before she had any significant powers.

About 6 years into Mira's life did Neach know that her daughter was not with her. She tried many times to get her back from the capital using her own body and others but she never succeeded. She became more deranged aswell because the court stared mass torturing animals and vampires and any unlucky unperfect and out of line sitizen they could get their hands on. At the young age of 12, a completely brainwashed Mira went back to her mother. Neach knew it was her the moment she saw her. Mira played into her mothers emotions and convinced her to perform the passing ceremony. Neach did and Mira became queen of Moreland at 12 and ruled with a Iron hand establishing once more Elven Supremacy over the other Jinin.

*The order of apearance is the order of strength of blood from weakest to strongest. So if any Jinin has a baby with an Elf that baby wil always be an Elf *

The vampires came out of the stone mountains of Gruite. Cursed say some with eternal life. They are naturaly fast and agyl hard to kill and hungry

Last the elves pryd their way out of the crystals that they would later use for their castles. They are taller than the other Jinin and are naturely cunning and Intelectual.

Shortly after the witches emerged from the soil of what is is called now Pure et Unpure. They have enate magical capabilties they can cast spells, make potions and ehance themselves in many ways

The ultimate weapon is created and the demons fall their bodies returend to the motherland and to bleed out to complete the cycle of life

Moreland is named

The blood of the ancestors gave life to a new generation of demons the first to be born were the sirens

Water and Blood

Then came the dwarfs born from the trees. Pshyche Linked to one another. Killers from the trees

Celili found their portal and thus Medka

Taking Demons and not killing them but using their blood to create weapons

Start war &

Demon experimentation

Demons overspill their way into medka

8000 B.F


7000 B.F

6000 B.F

20 B.F

100 A.F

102 A.F

104 A.F

105 A.F




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