Human Anatomy & Physiology 1
Mason Jackson
Bio 253
Jan 24th, 2024
Dense Regular Connective Tissue
Dense Regular Connective Tissue
- Provides strong attachment between structures
- Forms tendons which attach muscle to bone & ligaments which attach bone to bone
- Has great tensile strength to resist pulling forces from a single direction
Strong like a rope
- 550 cord "rope" which is used at times to withstand great strain and tension.
- Just like Dense Regular CT provides strong attachment to structures, this rope is used the same way. Its stronger then a normal rope, military tested. If you have enough and needed to connect it to get down something, it'll withstand all tension put on it.
- Transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, wastes
- In blood vessels, "arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins", & chambers of heart.
- Allows things to move throughout the body to where its needed.
Transports like trains
- Trains which are used to transport many of different things around the world.
- Trains are just like blood. Trains are able to transport different materials around the world just as blood does in our body's. The trains get the materials to the places that are in the need of them, just as blood does in your body esp. for the heart.
Transitional Epithelium
- Allows urinary organs to stretch and decompress depending on fluid amount
- Lines urinary bladder, ureters, and portions of urethra
- This tissue can contrast and expand in order to adapt to the degree of distension needed
Stretches like balloons
- Balloons are able to expand to a certain size depending on the amount of liquid added.
- Just like transitional epithelium stretches for organs, balloons can readily stretch in order to accommodate the fluctuation of the amount of liquid added depending the size you want the balloon.
Adipose Tissue
- Energy storage, Insulation from cold and heat
- Located throughout the body, "under skin, between internal organs, inner cavities of bones"
- Apidocytes can vary in color (white, brown, beige), Consists of cells & extracellular matrix
Like a handful of small marshmellows
- Small marshmellows resemble lipid droplets inside the adipocyte.
- Just like adipose tissue, the marshmellows look like fat lipid droplets and can be flattened.
- The free space between all marshmellows can resemble the cytoplasm that holds the adipocytes together.