Country Challenge - Rwanda
By Stephen Rebancos
Problems occurring in Rwanda:
Issue: There are alleged controversies of the presidential candidate Rwigara and four others with causing changes or documents, using counterfeited money and discriminatory against others. On December of 2018 she was acquitted from the charges. This scenario where a candidate will use every source for their gain can falsely lead and ruin how the country runs.
Political Pluralism
Issue: People of Rwandan are unable to explore into reporting on political sensitive issues nor strictly criticized their government policies due to intimidation, threats, and prosecutions. This is a big issue for the country's people since they are not able to freely cooperate with their own government.
Freedom of Expression
Issue : Only half the population of Rwandans have access to clean and sanitarian water. Many children suffer from diarrhea (by 49%) and intestinal parasites (by 78%) from collecting dirty water from rivers and swamps. Another problem is that 75% of Rwandans live in homes with dirt floors which worsen their problems and won't be safe from diseases. This is one of the big problems Rwanda have to face if not met with the necessity.
Sanitation and Hygiene Health
Here is how you can help:
For the ones who are active on building concrete floor for the Rwandans are the Earth Enable group where they will provide proper housing for the people Rwandan to prevent them from higher chances of getting diseases within their homes.
You can go to Human Rights Watch (HRW) which is a nongovernmental social movement engaged in related issues of human rights.
How do we provide support for the Rwandan people?
Another site you can visit is The Compassion International where they provide food and grocery for families who are poor or cannot afford for their family.
Together, with the help of others by donating to these supportive organizations we are minimizing the problems of Rwandan people. The future of this country is in our hands, so donate to make a change for a better future to the Rwandan community.