SLE Application Presentation
26th April 2018
Laura Carr
Aspiring Leaders Programme
The Project
At Bexhill, due to our priorities and school development plan, there had been lots of CPD to help improve teaching and learning for teachers. School was in a much better position and I felt we needed to start to differentiate our CPD and spread our skills.
The Rationale...
- Accelerate Progress
- New TA Standards
- £180,000 per year at Bexhill
- Wellbeing
- Ofsted - Bexhill, July 2015
- Deployed effectively
- My Personal Journey
The Plan...
- Strength and Weakness Analysis- Teacher and TA
- CPD sessions for TA - Research In America found the key to successful learning was "Teacher Expertise"
- Support for Teachers on how to use TAs effectively
- Observations
- Encourage use of Iris to evaluate their own practice
- Regular discussions
- Performance Management
Highly Skilled Staff
- Increased subject knowledge.
- Shared practise.
- Increased confidence.
- Ability to work throughout school.
- Understanding of next steps.
- Rapid progress for target groups.
- Understanding of where to take children next.
- Awareness of expected outcomes.
Accelerated Progress
Performance Management
- Meaningful process.
- Accountability.
- Purpose.
Performance Management
Teacher CPD
Using a TA
Session 1
TA Expectations
Session 4
Session 3
Session 5
Session 2
TA Standards
Session 8
Session 9
Performance Management
Session 7
Alan Peat
Session 6
The Impact...
Initial Survey October 2016
Evaluation Survey July 2017
TA Survey
October 2016
July 2017
The Impact...
Initial Survey October 2016
Evaluation Survey July 2017
Teacher Survey
October 2016
July 2017
Identified Further Areas for CPD at Bexhill...
Year 1 TA
- Marking
- Behaviour Management
- Challenging HA
- Next steps
- Further ICT
- SPAG and Maths knowledge
Can you continue this course next year, as I feel I will need refreshers to keep up to date with new knowledge and I've enjoyed them!
Year 6 Teacher
The Future...
- Support TAs across all of Wise schools with half termly sessions.
- Use Bexhill to model effective use of TAs to other schools in Wise.
- This could be something the trust offers to new schools.
- Provide sessions for Teaching School to support School Direct students in using TAs effectively.
As the lead of Year 5 and Year 6, I've seen a huge improvement in the attitude, work ethic and skill set of the TAs within the unit this year. We work with TAs who have hugely enriched and refined their skills through the regular CPD sessions.