Attitudes towards intercultural communicative competence of ESP student
1) ESP is defined to meet specific needs of the learners.
2) ESP is a subset of English as a second or foreign language
purpose of learning english
Lesson Plan
requirements for ESP course
purpose of learning english
purpose of learning english
for clearly utilitarian purpose
because of globalization
for clearly utilitarian purpose
for clear purpose
Fiall we should know that everybody js learning English for clearly utilitarian purpose.
And ESP is designed to meet specific needs of learner related to a content of his job, occupation and contrast from general English or one skill .
and the current context of communication in English reveal a transformation in the English as a foreign language (EFL) paradigm towards further development from Standard English towards global English, world English or international English
There are some requirements for ESP course.
requirements for ESP course
they need to be designed due to the user's academic context and social demand.
all the materials for course should be adapted methodologically before designing.
The findings obtained can be classified into two categories, those related to the perceptions and attitudes towards
the three established ICC dimensions, and those related to new variables added by the ESP students participating in
the study
result and discassion
Percentage of respondents that identified Byram and Morgan’s dimensions (1994)
Attitudes towards established ICC dimensions
After the inductive content analysis, several successive coding phases of the students' written material in accordance with the ICC assessment model selected, the patterns identified were tabulated into the three dimensions proposed by Byram and Morgan
my view
Teachers can do some particular things before entering classroom for ESP learners. For example they can take into consideration learner's occupation, age, the skill they need and etc. ESP learners shouldn't be taught according to any prior methodology
presentation done by:
Po'latova Dilshifo
Jumaqulova Halima
done by: