Theories ~ Hypothesis ~ Laws
- A prediction/educated guess on why things work or how things happen
- Based on: observations from research and/or existing scientific knowledge
Starting Point
A hypothesis helps researchers to do 2 things for the study:
- predict outcomes
- define the parameters
Scientific Theory?
- An explanation for why things work or how things happen
- Based on: large amounts of data/observations of the real world, and something that can be tested!
- NOT a hunch or a guess
Evolution by Natural Selection
-Charles Darwin
-a theory can be broad an encompass many concepts/ideas
Topics 1-9 (Carpi & Egger, 2009)
Carolus Linnaeus
- Fixity of Species
- Grouped species together based on physical similarities
Theories can be more specific and challenge other theories
George Louis
& James Hutton
- Developed theories on determining the age of the Earth
- evidence based on rock formations and geological studies
- Earth: hundreds of millions of years old
- evidence based on Bible events & temperature of Earth's core
- Earth: 70,000 years old
Georges Cuvier
- Studied fossils in Paris
- Proved extinction based on elephant fossils that turned out to be mammoths from thousands of years prior
Theory of extinction proved true due to logical findings in the similarity of elephants and mammoths.
Jean Baptiste Lamarck
- believed organisms could mutate/change over time and that change would be passed to their offspring
Theories must be tested and provide great evidence before they can be considered well-established & fundamental
William Smith
- Rock Layers = Evolution
- geologist who studied the fossils within rock layers
- Hypothesis: certain groups of animals followed each other in a specific sequence, as seen within earth's rock layers over time
Charles Darwin
- studied the species of the mockingbird, tortoise and finch on the Galapagos Islands and found subtle differences within these species that allowed them to adapt to the island environment
- His studies led to his theory that organisms change "by means of natural selection" (Carpi, Egger, 2009)
Mendel & Dobzhansky
Gregor Mendel
- studied the basics of DNA strains and described which characteristics can be passed down to offspring
Theodosius Dobzhansky
- explained genes and demonstrated that mutation in genes is when change occurs
Dr. Richard Lenski
- Developed a test to replicate evolution & natural selection in a lab setting
Confirmed the prediction of the theory of evolution by natural selection which states that the monumental mutations that occur within a group are shared by all descendants in that group and are more rare than random mutations
Stephen Jay Gould & Niles Eldredge
Came up with the idea of punctuation equilibrium- evolution is basically long periods of stability with the occasional dramatic change
This idea provides an understanding of timing in evolution without discrediting or challenging the concept of natural selection
Scientific Law?
- A description of the observed phenomenon that is being researched/studied
- Comes from theories but does NOT exist due solely to abundance of data
As you can see, there are many concepts that go into developing well-established theories, such as this example of evolution & natural selection
It is important to note that theories may be revised and edited, however they are not questionable or unpredictable
(Carpi & Egger, 2009)
Anthony Carpi, Ph.D., Anne E. Egger, Ph.D. “Theories, Hypotheses, and Laws” Visionlearning Vol. POS-2 (9), 2009.