Susatainability: The ability to maintain something to a rate
Fossil Fuels: A type of fuel formed by dead organisms from a very very long time ago
What classifies as energy?
What classifies as energy?
Any type of fuel (Fossil fuels)
Anything that is used to power an object
Types of Energy
There are non-renewable sources of energy
There are renewable sources of energy
We tend to use non-renewable sources more than renewable, meaning we use energy that we cannot recycle, wasting energy.
Types of Energy
How much energy do you use yearly?
There are many sets of statistics, most of them show us that Canada is one of the most energy consuming country.
Each household Canadians use about 12,000 kilojoules per year.
Canada is a big country therefore we use more energy to get places
We are located in the Northern Climate henceforth winters are cold and summers are hot. We use a lot of energy on heating and cooling.
Canadians like using gas consuming vehicles, not only that, but it also takes a lot of energy to make these products
In Canada, energy is anoundantful and cheap therefore we waste it.
Why? part 2
Main reason why we use so much energy is because it is essential in our everday life.
Energy helps us see, move and use time effectively.
With energy we send things
Our industries use a lot of Energy too
Why? part 2
Industries we need energy for
Although Canada has many Industries, our mining, oil and gas extraction industry is the most Energy consuming and the most important.
Canada also exports motor vehicles and parts, industrial machinery, aircraft, telecommunications equipment; chemicals, plastics, fertilizers; wood pulp, timber, crude petroleum, natural gas, electricity and aluminum.
What may be the implications of using this much Energy?
Environmental Implications: The energy use will pollute the air more, destroying more habitats and more releasing more greenhouse gases.
Social Implications: The energy use to make products and to export to other countries, which will improve their relationship.
Economic Implications: The energy use gives us more products to sell and to buy, such as cars, goods and fossil fuels.
Political Implications: The green party may go against this use of Energy. They want to limit the usage of energy so that our resouces will be sustained for future generations.
How should we sustain our Energy?
Solar Powered Electricity
Use renewable energy
The easiest thing to do is don't Leave lights on around the house.
Although it may be hard mentally for us, dont always keep your phone at 100%, let it die.
Don't use your phone or TV so much
Read books for a change!
Make sure all lights are off when sleeping
Why should we try to sustain Energy?
It’s important to sustain the resources because Canada’s main industries (income) is exporting the things i listed previously, and if we ran out of resources for one export we would lose a chunk of our economy. If more than one of the industries are lost, the Canadian government will need to cut costs, taxes have a big chance of going up and the economy will go down. The future generations also need these resources so we can’t use all of the fossil fuels or minerals.
Question #1
What would happen to our energy supply and our country if we lost our industry of motor vehicles and parts or oil and gas.
Question #1
What do you think large companies such as Apple and car companies should do to conserve energy? If they aren't why aren't they doing it?
What effect does our energy use do to your everyday life?