Lecturer : Dr. Si Luh Nyoman Seriadi, S.Pd., S.Ag., M.Pd.
Educational philosophy
Ni Komang Cindy Pramasta
ELED VI C Denpasar
347-427 years before masehi
idealism beliefs that the highest knowledge and truth are ideas.
According to Plato, an idea is not a thought but a reality, it is an idea that gives rise to knowledge
so, what is idealism ?
So, idealism is one of a genre in the teaching of educational philosophy that beliefs that the highest knowledge and education are ideas and the way we think, We can gain true knowledge when we understand what our minds understand
The concept of Philosophy according to the flow of Idealism
a, metaphysics-idealism : absolutely the real reality is spiritual.
b. humanology-idealism : the ability to choose.
c. epistemology-idealism : true knowledge is acquired through intuition and think twice
d. axiology-idealism : Human life is governed by moral obligations
The Principles of Idealism
- reality is composed of substance as well as ideas (spirit). each of its elements is connected. The world is a totality, a logical and spiritual unity.
- reality is based on images or from the ideas that exist in the human soul.
Principals of Idealism
- Idealism beliefs that humans trust the spirit or soul is more valuable and higher for human life. than any material in this world
- Idealism is oriented to ideas that are theo centric (centered on God), to the soul, spirituality, ideals (all ideals) and to the norms
Idealism in Education
William T. Harris is one of the most influential figures of idealism in the United States of America. Centralized idealism about the existence of the school.
Important key :
- students are separate individuals
- teacher beliefs that spirituals is also real
- the importance of individuals teaching methods
- education is supposed to guide its students in order to have a meaningful life in their future
The function of the teacher in the teaching system according to idealism
The curriculum should focus more on objective content. Experience must be more than textbook teaching.
- Teacher is a facilitators who will lead students to get to know their world through materials in learning activities.
- Teacher is a specialist where a teacher must have more knowledge than students.
Teacher's Function
- Teachers must have pedagogical potential, namely the ability to develop a learning model
- The teacher must have personality potential, namely character and authority.
- Teachers must have social potential, namely the ability to interact with students.
Implications of Idealism in Education
a. Purpose, to form character, develop basic talents or abilities, as well as social goodness.
b. Curriculum, liberal education for skills development and practical education for getting a job.
c. Methods, preferably the dialectic method (linking one science with another), but other effective methods can be used.
d. Learners are free to develop their personality, talents and basic abilities.
e. Educators are responsible for creating an educational environment through collaboration with nature.
Implementation of the of Idealism in Education
- the process of training thoughts, memories, feelings. Both to understand reality, values, truth, and as a social heritage.
- must lead to a goal that is where the value has been realized into a form that is eternal and unlimited.
Implementations of idealism
- The aim of education is to maintain cultural, social and spiritual excellence. Introducing an intellectual spirit to build an ideal society.
- teachers must prepare situations and conditions that are conducive to educating students, as well as an ideal environment for their development, then guide them with affection and with the ideas they learn up to the highest level.
- achieve the values and ideas needed by all human beings together.