เรียนการเขียน EFL โดย: Sardian Maharani Asnur sardian.maharani@gmail.com (อาจาร์ย Adab คณะมนุษย์ศาสตร์ ของ Alauddinแห่งรัฐอิสลามมหาวิทยาลัยมากัสซาร์)
Measuring the Effectiveness of Suggestopedia Method
in EFL Writing Class
Sardian Maharani Asnur
(Lecturer of Adab Fuculty and Humaniora of Alauddin Islamic State University of
This study explores the effectiveness of suggestopedia method in
EFL writing class. It also gives elaboration of activities in
suggestopedia method that have proven useful in an EFL learning
class. The research was conducted to the 2nd semester students of
English and Literature Department at Alauddin Islamic State
University of Makassar, South Sulawesi, academic year of
2014/2015. There are 15 students that became sample of the
research which is selected by random sampling technique.
Research shows that by suggestopedia method, students become
better in writing descriptive paragraph. Through suggestopedia,
students learn in an enjoyable way and without any psychological
barrier that can disturb the learning process. The result also
shows that the outcomes of each students are varies seeing from
their post-test writing score; therefore, the writer concluded that
the students got a good score because of an enjoyable learning,
not because the classic music. Nevertheless, suggestopedia is a
good method to develop the students’ writing ability
Keywords: Effectiveness, Suggestopedia, EFL, Writing