The Spanish Hapsburgs and the Ottoman Empire
Ottoman Empire
- Osman I was the founder of the Ottoman Turkish state
- This was known as the Anatolian Peninsula or Anatolia
- Orhan I was known for expanding the Ottoman Empire and "knocking on Europe's door"
- Sultan Mehmet II planned the siege of Constantinople and ruled the golden age of the Ottoman Empire
- Suleiman I strengthened the navy and legal system
The Golden Age
- Sultan Mehmet II led the empire through the most of the golden age and the empire was also led by Sulemain I during this span.
- In 1453 the Ottomans attacked Constantinople and came prepared with 100,000 soldiers compared to the 10,000 of Constantinople.
- Constantinople became the new capital of the Ottoman Empire and provided many economic benefits.
- The navy under Suleiman consisted of around 200 ships, which was a larger amount than normal
Growth Of Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman empire grew for many reasons such as
- Absorption of Muslims in Anatolia
- Protection of the Greek Orthodox Church
- Guaranteed lives and protection of dhimmis
- Serbs, Bosnians, and Croatians submitted to Ottoman rulers
- Religious toleration
- Better administrative organization than the Byzantine empire
- Tax breaks
Spanish Hapsburgs
Spanish Hapsburgs
- Their mission was to purify Spain from heretics, or non-Christians
- King Ferdinand of Aragon and Queen Isabella of Castille married and therefore together controlled the most land in Spain
- This led to an enormous amount of power given to them
- Some could argue that they took advantage of their power and exploited it for their own benefit
The Alhambra Decree
The Alhambra Decree
- The Alhambra Decree was an order to rid all Non-Christians from Spain, specifically Jews
- The Christians gave them one month to pack up and leave and if they did not they would have to face the penalty of death
- These people had to leave most valuables behind including silver and money
- This order also caused Jews and Muslims to convert to Christianity because they did not want to leave everything behind
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
- Before they married King Ferdinad controlled Aragon and Queen Isabella controlled Castille
- This marriage was very significant because it was not just a combining of power but also of land
- This gave Isabella and Ferdinad the most power in all of Spain besides the Pope
Geography-Ottoman Empire
After the Ottoman Empire laid siege to Constantinople it opened up many new opportunities because of the bodies of water surrounding Constantinople.
Geography-Spanish Hapsburgs
This empire was made up of large groups of land, which was most often used for farming. After the reconquista this empire controlled Spain and Portugal which was called the Iberian peninsula. This means their land was surrounded by water except where it was connected to France, a powerful country
Economy and Trade
Economy and Trade
Economy and Trade-Ottoman Empire
Economy and Trade
The Ottoman Empire was mostly focused on agriculture for its economic benefits. Trading was prevalent because the capital of the Ottoman Empire, Constantinople, was the center of many trade routes from other parts of Europe and the Middle East
Economy and Trade- Spanish Hapsburgs
Economy and Trade
The Spanish were also an agricultural society and were open to trade. The Spanish gained their money and power from themselves and other parts of Spain mostly. Majority of the land in Spain was used for farming which had many economic benefits. This is one reason why land was so important in Spain, as demonstrated through the marraige of Ferdinand and Isabella
Religion and Authority
Religion and Authority
Religion and Authority-Ottoman Empire
Religion and Authority
The Ottoman Empire was open to many different religions and let anybody practice their religion as long as there was no conflict annd they were a paying a poll tax. In the Ottoman Empire there was a Sultan which is a leader. This title was passed from father to son.
Religion and Authority-Spanish Hapsburgs
Religion and Authority
The Spanish Hapsburgs were almost the complete opposite, and only wanted Christians in Spain and if you were not Christian you had to convert or leave. In Spain the title of king is passed through the family from the father to the son. The Pope also had a large impact on the Christian population of Spain.
Whittemore, Jessica. The Reconquista and the Spanish Inquisition.
Burbank, Jane. “Chapter 5.” Empires in World History.