Important Quotes
- A cousin to american general Daniel Nwrgain, hart was a stalwart patriot.
- Who employed her own herioc means of supporting the american cause for independence .
- When she was in her thirties, Nancy married Benjamin Hart, a prominent North carolinian, and the couple had eight childern.
How we show respect to Nancy Morgan Hart
- Wikimedia Foundation. (2024a, February 8). Nancy Hart. Wikipedia.
- Boomer, L. (2024a, January 23). Life story: Nancy Morgan hart. Women & the American Story.
- Nancy Morgan Hart. STAGING: National Women’s History Museum. (n.d.).
- Today the state of georgia has memorialized hart in serval ways, including one of the states countries a, state park, a lake, and a highway.
- In the 1930s, the daughters of the American Revolution Reconstructed the Harts Cabin, which had been washed away in a flood many years before, in order to commemorate one of georgia's most famous female patriots.
- Nancy hart, like many American frontierwoman, played an important role not only in defending her family and community during the war for independence but also in shaping the memory of the American Revolution in ways that still resonate today.
How is Nancy relevant to today? What are the last impacts of their accomplishments?
Nancy Morgan Hart background and life events.
- Her fearlessness prompted Cherokee neighbors to call her “Wahatche,” which meant “war woman.”
- Hart’s husband fought in a band of the Georgia militia, and while he was away, Hart’s abilities as an herbalist, hunter, and markswoman proved imperative to protecting her family and community.
- Hart succeeded in outsmarting british opponents on muiltiple occasions, frequently disgusting herself as a crazy man"and wondering in british camps to propure information for the patriots. when one of Hart home, Nancy doused the man with boiling water that she was using to make soap before tying him up and turning him over to patriots forces.
- "Surrender to what is let go what was.Have faith in what will be."
- Women’s suffrage, which aimed to secure voting rights for women, exemplifies this. Activists and reformers persisted for nearly a century, overcoming obstacles and disagreements.
- Nancy Hart, like many American frontier women, played an important role not only in defending her family and community during the war for independence but also in shaping the memory of the American Revolution in ways that still resonate today.
- One of her impacts on the Revolutionary war was that she had killed 6 tories.
- Another impact was that she helped Whigs escape.
Woman's Movement
Obstacles Nancy faced, and how she overcame them.
- Women’s rights movement, diverse social movement, largely based in the United States, that in the 1960s and ’70s.
- Sought equal rights and opportunities and greater personal freedom for women.
- Equal access to education and employment, equality within marrige, and a married womens rights to her own propertys and wages.
- Custody over her childern and control her own body.
Nancy Morgan Hart
- Obstacle: Living on the colonial frontier was arduous. Nancy grew up in the Yadkin River Valley, where every member of her family had to work hard for sustenance and safety.
- Overcoming: Nancy learned both traditional women’s tasks (like housekeeping and child-rearing) and traditionally masculine skills (such as hunting, farming, fishing, and repair work). Her resilience and adaptability helped her thrive in this demanding environment.
- Obstacle: Nancy and her husband, Benjamin Hart, frequently moved in search of better land and opportunities. Each move required starting anew, and they often encountered resistance from Native people already inhabiting the lands.
- Overcoming: Despite the challenges, they persevered. By the time of the American Revolution, they were living along the Broad River in Georgia. Nancy managed the family and farm while Benjamin fought with the Georgia militia for the Patriots.
Nancy Morgan Hart birthplace and time period
- Nancy was born around the year 1735, she grew up in the Yadkin River Valley, which was along the western frontier of the north carolina colony.
- Time period (1735 -1830)
American Revolutionary War Hero
Dwy & Iag
Major accomplishments and how they relate to the womens movements.
Nancy's contribution to womens movement.
- Nancy Hart is characterized as a tough, resourceful woman who repeatedly outsmarted Tory Soldiers, and killed some outwright.
- Nancy Hart's extended descendants included such famous later political figures as Missouri senator Thomas Hart Benton and Kentucky senator Henry Clay.
- Nancy Hart was well connected through family ties to other prominent in early American history.
- Hart succeeded in outsmarting british opponents on muiltiple occasions, frequently disgusting herself as a "crazy man"and wondering in british camps to propure information for the patriots. when one of Hart home, Nancy doused the man with boiling water that she was using to make soap before tying him up and turning him over to patriots forces.
- Nancy Hart, like many American frontierswomen, played an important role not only in defending her family and community during the War for Independence.
- Georgia frontierswomen Nancy Morgan Hart was a legendary hero of the American Revolution who made it her mission to rid the georgia territory of british loyalists.
- Acording to various accounts, she captured six, killed one, and oversaw the hanging of five others.
- She also served as a spy.
- A good deal of folkore surrounds Harts story.
- Some accounts hold that in addition to her more convert operations, hart was also present for the battle.