BY: Ciera Franco
Adrianna Sifuentes
Natalie Gonsalez
Eliza Villasenor
Mariela Esteves
Gerenal Characteristics
- A toddler is between 1 to 3 years of age,
Birthweight quadruples by 2.5 years of age.
Until the age of two, the circunference of the child's head, abdomen, and chest are almost the same.
Child's arms, legs and torso lengthen, which improves balance and motor skills.
Myelination of spinal cord nearly complete by 2 years. Bowel and bladder control usually complete by 2.5 to 3 years of age.
Piaget’s sensorimotor and preconceptual
Sensory Motor and Cognitive
Sensory and motor abilities do not function
Memory strengthens
Able to assimilate information through trial,
error, and repetition
. Symbols in the form of words can be used to represent ideas
A box becomes a space-ship or a house
Psychosocial development
Involves acquiring a clearer sense of himself or herself, that is separate from that of the primary caregiver becoming involved in wider social relationships, gaining self-control and mastery over motor and verbal skills and developing independece and self concept.
What does Involve?
Four Methods
Methods of Learning
Guidance and Discipline
Daily care
Toys and Play
- Guidance: Goal is to teach, not punish.
- Nutrition: A two year old likes finger foods (pincer grasp) .Food is chopped into fine pieces.
- Toys and Play: Parents must be taught to inspect toys and to buy toys suitable to the age, skills, and abilities of their child. Play is the work of toddlers. Through play they explore their world.
Toddlers are curious and mobile
- Negativism
- Ritualism (for sleep)
- Parallel Play
- Temper Tamtrums
- Bowel and Bladder, voluintary control of anal and sphincters.
- Assimilate Information Trial and Error and repitition.
- Like Finger Foods, at age of 3 kids should have 20 teeth.
- Use My Pyramid for NUT to give them appropriate portions of nutritional food.
- Curious and Mobile (Provide safe enviroment)
Summary of Toddlers Characteristics