- Consists of those who work primarily with their hands.
- Generally lack training/skills required for other tasks.
- Workers generally have the least amount of capital invested in them; they usually receive the lowest wages.
Unskilled Labor
- Workers in this category have enough mechanical abilities/skills to operate machinery.
- They can operate basic equipment like floor polishers, dishwashers, etc.
- Make an increased wage compared to those of unskilled labor.
Semiskilled Labor
- Includes workers who can operate complex equipment.
- They can perform their tasks with minimal supervision.
- They will receive increased human capital, especially in areas like training and education; this means a higher wage for their work.
Skilled Labor
- Individuals with highest level of knowledge-based education and managerial skills.
- These people have usually invested the most in their careers which makes them the highest wage earners.
Professional Labor
- Nurse
- Office Clerk
- Travel Agent
- Cashier
- Grocery clerks
- Cleaners and sweepers
Unskilled Labor
- Bartender
- Taxi Driver
- Security Guard