Finger Ergonomics Exercise
The Extended Finger Stretch
The Exercise
- Face hands downward and extend, allowing all fingers to be outwards.
- Hold for 10 seconds
- Release
- Bend fingers to knuckles
- Hold for 10 seconds
- Release
What Does it Solve?
- Helps with muscle, tendon, bone pain and discomfort within your hands.
- Strengthens your coordination in both hands.
- Helps people preform everyday activities they are not able to do.
What Causes Finger Pain?
- Excessive typing without breaks.
- Playing sports like football.
What Causes Finger Pain?
What can Happen to it?
- Muscles, tendons, and ligaments pain.
- Swollen fingers (dactylitis)
Should it be Done Regularly?
- This exercise should be done 3-10 times a-day depending on ones situation.
- Hand/finger injuries are more common to get than you think!
Should it be Done Regularly?
Types of Finger Exercises