White Tailed Deer Life Cycle
(Odocoileus virginianus)
Gestation Period
- Gestation period lasts around 10 months
- Female does not want to mate with the male during this time period
- Head and legs of the fawn will begin to face backwards as it prepares for birth
- Fawn will grow fur in the womb
- First fawns tend to be born in the late part of spring
- Doe will give birth to a live baby fawn
- Birth is generally done away from the herd in a densely vegetated area
- Mother licks the birth fluid off of the fawn to disguise the scent from predators
- White spots help to hide from predators
- Fawn can stand within 20 minutes after birth
- The fawn will drink mother's milk, but can eat food within a few days
- Will spend first week of life, mostly hidden in thick vegetation, but will eventually join the herd
- At the end of six weeks, a fawn can eat on its own
- Most commonly will be a single fawn, but twins are also pretty common, and triplets occasionally happen
Juvenile Stage
- Fawn will stay with its mother for one year if its a male and two years if its a female
- Begins to lose its white spots and get an even colored coat
- Tend to suckle from mother for 3-4 months before becoming solely a plant eater
- Commonly referred to as "yearlings"
- Mother will break maternal bond by driving the juvenile away
Adult Stage
- Males are called bucks, begin to grow their antlers, and frequently will travel alone
- Females are called does, are generally ready to have their own fawn at two years old, and travel in herds with other does
- Most often females mate with the dominant male of the herd, and young males may stay to challenge the dominant male
- As these young adults mate, the life cycle begins again
Diploid Dominant
- Diploid Dominant means that the multicellular diploid stage is the most obvious life stage
- The only haploid cells are gametes, which are produced during meiosis
- Meiosis occurs in the testes and ovaries
- Mitosis occurs throughout the deer's body until it is fully grown as an adult
Diploid and Haploid Cells
Haploid/Diploid Cells
- White tailed deer have 35 haploid cells and 70 diploid cells
- 70 chromosomes in each body cell
- Haploids are found in the sex cells and used for reproduction
- Haploid cells are also known as gametes
- Diploids can be found in the skin, blood, and muscle cells
- Diploid cells are also known as somatic cells
- During fertilization male and female gametes fuse together, creating a diploid
Mating Habits
- Bucks are polygamous and does are seasonally polygamous, but may stay together a few days after mating
- Does come into heat (in November) for a 24 hour period, where the dominant male will mate
- If the doe is not mated the first period, 28 days later there is a second estrus where there is another chance for mating with a male
- The "Rut" is a period of extremely aggressive behavior between male deer, it turns into a war for breeding rights for a doe
- Male will roll around in the mud to put on a show for their soon to be mating partner
- Bucks may also clash antlers to assert dominance over a breeding area or their doe of choice