There are no hard distinctions between what is real and what is unreal nor between what is true and what is false. A thing is not necessarily either true or false; it can be both true and false
-Harold Pinter
- Deconstructing common structures in society
- Male vs. Female
- Good vs. Evil
- Classes
- Power
- Rich vs. Poor
Still confused?
Kurt Vonnegut
Jorges Louis Borges
Joseph Heller
Thomas Pynchon
David Foster Wallace
William S Burroughs
Richard Brautigan
Rita Dove
Charles Simic
Here are two explanations of what the entire postmodernism movement is all about
Postmodernism Literature
Postmodernism as a Whole
What is it?
- Critique of structure
- Late 19th century-present
- Focus of chaos in universe
- Whats real?
To give Postmodernism a definition would be against the ideas of Postmodernism; it is neither a movement nor a style
- Response to Modernism/Enlightenment
- Associated with Deconstruction
- Questions the idea of truth
- Direct relationship with author and reader
- Irony/Parody
- Black Humor
- Paranoia
- Intertextuality
- Pastiche
- Metafiction
- Fragmentation
Ms. Hall
The idea that no one work stands alone, all creations are connected in one way or another, or can be connected.
This has been seen as a lack of originality
- To "paste"
- The process of intertwining multiple genres together into one work
- supernatural fantasy, historical fiction, mystery, romance etc.
Interruption of sequences and information; resembling the chaotic nature of the universe