Connection to youth film
The film shows problems from a seeming ordinary girl for example: The first love
She is searching for her determination and when she mets Gideon she finds her true self.
Question 1:
- What is so special about Gwendolyn?
Question 2:
- What is the name of her partner?
Question 3:
- What's Gwendolyn's jewel?
Question 4:
- What's the name of an other time traveler?
Reviews from other people
- Girls like the film, Boys don't -> girl's film
- Expectations by the book was not fulfilled -> Leaving out important details, changing action
- You should fade out the book by watching the film
- Nice and persuasive actors
- average customer assessment: **** ( 4 stars)
- Summary
- facts about the film
- connection to youth film
- important scenes (Quiz)
- Talk about the scenes
- Message of the film
- Our own opinion (& other reviews)
Thanks for your attention!
- Ruby Red is a German movie from year 2013
- Based on novel
- First part of the trilogy “dear one goes by all times" (Liebe geht durch alle Zeiten)
- Movie was produced in Germany/England
- Original language: German
- World premiere: 5th of march 2013 in Munich
- Movie released for people off 12 years
- The movie was taken up in 42 days, all scenes were taken “on location” = on real places and not in film studios
- 2 part: Sapphire Blue (Saphirblau)
- 3 part: Emerald Green (Smaragdgrün)
We've got different opinions.
But the most of us prefer the film because it's really interesting and it's a combination of love, action and real life.
- Charlotte's birthday -> full house
- She's always standing in the centre
- Charlotte has inherted the time-travel-gene
- Gwendolyn get's in the background
- !Shock! Gwendolyn has inherted the gene
- She's demands too much
- Gideon and Gwendolyn must complete the mission
- The mission seems to fail
- Gideon and Gwendolyn fall in love