Lab 4: Create Your Own Meme
Stephanie Pelikan
What would I do to improve this lab?
- Share memes with class
- Merge with creative commons lab and add a license to the meme
What were the components of Lab 4?
Were there any surprises or unanticipated results?
How might you research this topic in the future?
- Creating a meme was surprisingly easy
- My memes were actually really popular on Twitter
- Continue creating memes for practice
- Eventually move to creating .gif memes
- Post memes on social media to see which ones are most popular based on demographics of my followers
- Use to create a meme that reflects your identity
- Upload the meme to your blog
- Reflect upon the process
What did you expect to learn?
- How to create a meme
- How it relates to Participatory Culture and Prosumers
- How to upload photos to my blog