How Has Photography Helped Advance Science?
X-rays are a great invention and have helped to heal people for many years, and without them, doctors would have a much harder job.
What is an X-ray?
How have they helped advance science?
X-Rays In Science...
The X-ray has been very useful in science. Hospitals use them daily to determine many minor and severe injuries for millions of people around the world. Without them, it would be a lot harder for doctors to find out what is wrong with a patient if they had broken their arm for example.
X-rays are a type of radiation. The term 'Radiation' means any form of energy that can travel as a particle or wave, like light or micrwaves. X-rays are similar to light, except they have a much higher frequency, so they are invisible to the naked eye. Due to their high frequency, X-rays can pass through the human body, which means we can use them to see inside of our bodies.
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