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To Shuman Heink

Traveling Through the Dark

By William Stafford

Who is Ernestine Schumann-Heink

Too near the heart, the lullaby, too near,

the strains it trolls are melting twisting strains;

you should not sing the song for us to hear,

for pains it soothes away bring sadder pains.

The pulse of sorrow vibrates all alone,

and when the grandeur of the voice that's gone

reflects an instant in the shaking tone,

what sudden memories to light are drawn.

Your love has been so great, your life so long,

that feeling in your voice is like a dart,

and when you think far back and sing the song,

you stab too near the heart, too near the heart.

(neé Ernestine "Tini" Rössler)

"William Stafford." Academy of American Poets, n.d.

Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

Poem Hunter. "Biography of William Stafford."

N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

"William Stafford / Awards." Google. Google, n.d. Web. 18 Feb.


"Ernestine Schumann-Heink." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 9

Feb. 2016. Web. 18 Feb. 2016.

Works Cited


Awards Won

William Stafford

  • United States Poet Laureate 1970
  • National Book Award for Poetry: Traveling through the Dark 1963
  • Robert Frost Medal 1993
  • Guggenheim Fellowship for Creative Arts, US & Canada 1966

Starting Poetry: age 48


Traveling through the Dark

Before the Poetry:

Early Life


Hutchinson, Kansas

1954 - Ph.D


Obtained: Master's Degree

Bacheldors Degree

Liberal, Kansas - High School

Drafted to military

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