River Continuum Concept
- Stream Orders 1-3: Mostly Shredders but some Collectors
- Stream Orders 4-6: Mostly Scrapers but some Collectors
- Stream Orders >6: Collectors
River Continuum Concept
Functional Feeding Groups
Macroinvertebrates are characterized by the way they acquire their food from the stream.
- Scrapers
- Shredders
- Collectors
- Gatherers
- Filterers
- Predators
- They can be used a indicator species for the stream to let us know how clean the water is and other conditions of the stream.
- There are many different types of macroinvertebrates that tells us different things about the health of the stream
"Conceptual model that relates physical and biological changes along the longitudinal profile of a river
- Vannote et al. 1980
Allochthonous Organic Matter is generally found in Stream Orders 1-3 and Stream Orders >6
Allochthonous Organic Matter
- Produced outside of the stream
- There are 2 types of this organic matter
- CPOM- Coarse Particulate Organic Matter. Includes matter that is >1mm such as leaves and twigs
- FPOM- Fine Particulate Organic Matter. Matter than ranges from 0 5.mm to 1.0mm
There are 2 types of organic matter found in the river, Allochthonous and Autocthonous.They get converted into energy by other organisms in the river, and are found at different sections of the river itself.
Autochthonous are found in Stream Orders 4-6 and a small amount in Stream Orders >6
Autochthonous Organic Matter
- Produced in stream reach
- Autotrophs: organisms that are capable of synthesizing their own food from inorganic substances using light or chemical energy (ex: plants, bacterica, and algae)
- Some examples of these that are in lotic systems are Benthic Algae, Macrophytes, and Phytoplankton.