Māori Rugby and the 'colonial matrix of power'
- Theory of the ‘Colonial Matrix of Power’.
- Historical Context of Māori Rugby.
- How the theory outworks itself throughout Māori Rugby.
The 'colonial matrix of power'
Began with 16th and 17th century imperialist nations.
Purpose was to control four interconnected spheres.
Four Spheres are: Knowledge, public Sphere, economic and authority.
Public Sphere
Economic Sphere
Native tour was a capitalist venture.
Contemporary Context
Don Brash's words of wisdom
Contemporary Context.
Tables turn - reverse racism
Public Sphere
Two areas of control: Public portrayal & prevailing philosophy.
Control of knowledge
- "colonialism can create not only knowledge but also the very reality it appears to describe" Edward Said.
- Effect that control of knowledge had on education, work and ultimately Māori rugby.
- Māori were left marginalized.
Historical Context
1888-89 tour portrayed Māori rugby as successfully colonized
Maori played rugby from the beginning.
Cartesian Dualism: Separated the mind & body.
In 1888-89, The Native Team toured Britain.
Contemporary example still proves the
colonial matrix of power is relevant.