*Tamar was born on March 17,1977
*NOW,Tamar is 36 years old .
*She want to Old Mill Senior High School.
*She started her solo career in 2010.
In 2012 Tamar had a song call "love and war ".She was on "The Braxton's Family Value"
*A couple of songs she sing is "The One ,Don't go,and The heart in Me ."Tamar and her sisters had a group call "The Braxton's"
Thanks For Watching
Tamar's Family
Tamar has 3 sister; their names are Toni, Towanda ,Trina, Traci.In 2008 she married Vince Herbert . They have a son name Logan Vince Herbert in 2013.
Tamar and Her Family
Tamar, Logan (Her soon), and Vince ( her hubby ).
Tamar , Toni,Trina,ToWanda,Traci (her sisters ),and Ms.Braxton ( her mother ).
Tamar Braxton
by:Deanna Ford