Experiment as an Adequate Basis for Science
The way in which a scientific theory is formed, is just as fallible.
The Production and Updating of Experimental Results
Experimental results are defective if the knowledge about experimental factors is defective.
Scientific results are fallible
- Advances in technology
- Advance in understanding
- Shift in theoretical understanding
Experiment as an Adequate Basis for Science
Human observation
Experimental results
Theoretical knowledge
Common societal goal?
Expand the Collective Knowledge
The physical world determines the results of an experiment, not the theories they are based on.
The Production & Updating of Experimental Results
Creating an experiment with accurate results . . .
a grueling and time consuming endeavor
- Educated in the science
- Analysis and reconstruction
- Technology available
- Evaluation
Not Just Facts but Relevant Facts
- Lab-based experiments
- Experimental design
- Observation of experimental process
- Observation of results
Not Just Facts but Relevant Facts
“Do the statements that we assume can be established by observation constitute the facts from which scientific knowledge can be derived?”
Lesser in well-studied?
Greater in new sciences?
Your Thoughts??
- What is your opinion on Chalmers' claim that science is fallible?
- What might this mean for your worldview?
- . . .
Galileo & the Moons of Jupiter
- Galileo and the moons of Jupiter
- Nicolaus Copernicus and his Copernican Theory
Observation as Practical Intervention
Observable Facts: Objective but Fallible
- Observable Facts are theories that can be criticized, and evaluated with the observer's sense and they can be approved
- Observable facts are still fallible and vulnerable to change because of their constant revisions.
Observation as Practical Intervention
Observation: Passive & Private OR Active & Public?
Passive or Private observation
- Information that we acquire and process from our own eyes, and our own understanding.
- It is evaluated by our own senses.
- Is it of value or not to consider these observations in the world of science?
Observation as Practical Intervention
Observation: Passive & Private OR Active & Public
- Active and Public Observation
- Information can be understood, evaluated, and tested by others.
- Ex: Robert Hooke's and Henry Power's statements about the eye structure of insects.
Observation as Practical Intervention
Observable Facts Expressed as Statements
Facts are statements rather than the state of affairs as described by those statements.
"There are mountains and craters on the moon".
This fact is derived from the knowledge we have about mountains and craters rather than knowledge about the surface of the moon.
Science as Knowledge Derived From the Facts of Experience
The Fallibility of Observations
The Fallibility of Observation Statements
What we perceive from our senses is different.
If knowledge is fallible, facts are fallible thereby saying that observations are fallible.
- Galileo, Venus, and Mars.
- Observable basis of science is not straightforward and as secure as is assumed.
Science as Knowledge Derived From the Facts of Experience
In Conclusion . . .
Science as Knowledge Derived From the Facts of Experience
- Science is based on subjective observation, current knowledge and theories, and technology available
- Science may continue to improve, but science may never represent absolute truth.
Visual Experiences Not Determined Solely by the Object Viewed
Visual Experiences Not Determined Solely by the Object Viewed
Why Should Facts Precede Theory?
A Widely Held Commonsense View of Science
Science as Knowledge Derived From the Facts of Experience
- An expert in a field has a greater understanding of what they are perceiving.
- "Experiences are not uniquely given and unchanging but vary with the knowledge [, experiences] and expectations of the observer" (Chalmers, 2013, p.8).
- Prior knowledge is needed
- Observations are used to form statements.
- Significant observations require knowledge.
Science as Knowledge Derived From the Facts of Experience
- 17th Century and Science.
- "Science is derived from the facts".
- Empiricists and Positivists.
- Facts require unprejudiced use of the senses.
- Chalmers and "Science is derived from the facts".
Science as Knowledge Derived From the Facts of Experience
Seeing is Believing
Observable Facts Expressed as Statements
A person must have prior knowledge of a topic in order to properly understand how to use a fact.
- Child learning how to speak: Apple
- Botany
- People have direct access to knowledge of basic facts.
- Two people viewing an object will 'see' the same thing.
Science as Knowledge Derived From the Facts of Experience
Science as Knowledge Derived From the Facts of Experience
Visual Experiences Not Determined Solely by the Object Viewed
- Perceptual experiences (e.g. vision) are not uniquely determined by a single event (e.g. image on the retinas).
- We see what we have learned.
Science as Knowledge Derived From the Facts of Experience
A Widely Held Commonsense View of Science
THREE components of the basis of science.
- "Facts are directly given to careful, unprejudiced observations via the senses.
- Facts are prior to and independent of theory.
- Facts constitute a firm and reliable foundation for scientific knowledge'. (Chalmers, 2013, p.4).
Science as Knowledge Derived From the Facts of Experience
- The vital role of current and past scientific knowledge, active observation and experiments.
- Multiple Axioms are compiled to form a theory
- Challenges the notion that true statements form theories.
Understanding the Development of Scientific Theory
- BioSpectrum. (2013, October 11). Network verification challenge to map bio networks Retrieved from http://www.biospectrumasia.com/biospectrum/news/198073/network-verification-challenge-map-bio-networks
- Chalmers, A. F. (2013) What is this thing called science?. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett
- Delisle, R. (2016, September). Scientific Knowledge Across Disciplines. [LBED 2850- A Lecture Notes]. University of Lethbridge. Department of Liberal Education. Lethbridge, AB.
- Hara, N. (n.d) Social construction of scientific Knowledge. Retrieved from http://norikohara.org/science/index.html
- Lawson, A. (1988) The acquisition of biological knowledge during childhood: Conflict or tabula rasa? Journa Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 25,185-199.
- Mickens, R. E., & Patterson, C. (2016). What is Science? Georgia Journal of Science, 74(2), D1-D5. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1780940062?accountid=12063
- Pardo, P. J., Pérez, A. L., & Suero, M. I. (2007). An example of sex-linked color vision differences. Color Research & Application, 32(6), 433-439. doi:10.1002/col.20354
Sandra Cubides, Micah Plomp, & Kayla Lochhead